Chapter 2: Temptation

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| Here's chapter 2. I don't feel like this is a very good and strong chapter, but I run into some inner conflict about what I really wanted to happen in this chapter so I just settled with this idea and made the best I could out of it. The next one will be better. Also, enjoy a bit of a Kabby moment, you're welcome. |

As they approached the gates of the village, Kane's first instinct was to look in the direction of that old casino, the building he and Abby lived in since they arrived in the village. That was also the last place he saw her, talked to her...touched her, made her choose between him and the pills and leaving her there because the silence she decided to respond with was too much for him. Now his eyes were involuntarily searching for her despite the fact that he was praying rather not to find her because seeing him in such a miserable state would only bring her pain, and he can't live with himself knowing that all he does is cause her more suffering.

Diyoza always knew the criminals on the Eligius lV didn't like her too much, but they followed and respected her, probably because she was the one who liberated them. However, there was one person on that ship who despite following her orders, most of the times at least, always challenged her, always disagreed with her decision, always tried to turn the others against her. That person's only goal was to get under her skin and eventually rule over her. She did everything in her power to keep him at bay, but she also knew for certain that one day he will find a way to reach his goal. That day came quicker than predicted and now here she was, standing in front of him as his prisoner.

"Well well, look who decided to pay us a visit. If it's not our great Colonel, Charmaine Diyoza, our savior and protector. Couldn't really stay away from me for too long, couldn't you, baby? And I see you brought me a gift as well, how generous of you." anger and panic coursed through her veins as he turned his psychopathic gaze on the man next to her.
"Cut it off, Paxton. We came here to make a deal, together. You touch Kane and you destroy your only chance to win the war that's approaching as we speak." sticking to the plan and trying not to lose control over the situation turned out to be harder than Diyoza would like to admit, but she had to keep going. Letting McCreary see her fear was not an option as he would take advantage of that and bring about the end of human race as a direct consequence of her failed plan.
"Oh, a deal you say? Well, in this case, please forgive me for greeting you two in such a manner. Let's not waste anymore time and go inside, discuss the terms and conditions for this "deal" of yours. GET THEM TO THE BRIDGE!" McCreary wasn't taking the bait as Diyoza hoped, the sarcasm in his tone making her feel the urge to put two bullets in his head. The next thing she knew, they were being pushed towarda the dropship.


"Come with me, I want to show you something." he grasped her hand tightly, carefully guiding her through the misty forest, the soft light of the moon faintly illuminating their path.
"I swear to god, if we get in trouble for this, again, I'll kill you with my own hands, Marcus Kane!" he couldn't help but chuckle at her poor attempt to intimidate him. Marcus loved it when she was trying to be angry with him and failed miserable, making her that much more attractive. He was losing himself every time she was around, every time she would smile, every time he would have the opportunity to touch her ever so slightly. His mind and body were craving for her constantly and he couldn't conceive his life without this woman, because now she was the core of his very own existence, his world turning around her and nothing more.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful and sexy you are when you want to kill me, Dr. Abigail Griffin?" her cheeks suddenly turned a soft reddish color while she shook her head in sign of defeat seeing how childish the man in front of her is.
"Have I ever told you how much you annoy me sometimes at the point I just want to wildly kiss you to make you shut up?" even if the light of the moon couldn't touch their figures making it so that they were mere shadows in front of each other, he could still see her fiery eyes beaming at him, almost like she was trying to hypnotise him.
"No, you haven't, and now I have one more reason to keep talking. What are you going to do about that? Oh, and look, we arrived. Isn't it beautiful?" a faint gasp escaped her lips as the stunning view materialized before her eyes. The moon that accompanied them through the forest was now standing gloriously on the clear sky of the night, reigning over the tall, noble mountains in the distance and over the endless green blanket of forest that was spread before the hill they were standing on. It was, indeed, beautiful.
"I found this place just a few days after our landing and ever since then I come here when I feel the need to escape the chaos in the camp. Thought you needed this as well after everyth..." without a warning, his lips were trapped in a breathtaking kiss, her hands clasping his face like she wouldn't want him to ever escape again. Her whole body pushed against his, forcing him to fall on his back, all this without letting go of his lips or face.
"You really weren't joking about that wild kiss." he couldn't stop himself from staring at the women laying on his chest. The breathtaking brown eyes in which he would often get lost, her cheeky smile that would bring him joy no matter the situation and those splendid, seductive lips that just make him wish a kiss would last forever...all of this on a more then perfect face he just can't stop admiring.

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