Stupid Idiots

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After a few minutes Alucard's fingers just grazed the branch causing them to twist and spun as they swung. They had to work to fix themselves and reach the branch again but now Trevor knew he could wrap at least one arm around it. They were on the backswing and were now heading straight towards it. Trevor wrapped an arm around it and held on tight. They were both able to climb onto the branch and stand up.

"What now?" Trevor wiped his hands on his pants and looked at him.

"We jump, land on the branch that our rope is tied to and set ourselves free." Alucard said confidently. Trevor raised his eyebrows and was wondering if they were looking at the same branch.

"Do you think we can make that?"

"I know I can. I'm much stronger than you so it should be easy. If you don't think you can do it just hold onto me and I'll jump for us both." Alucard said this without much thought but rolled his eyes when he saw Trevor's disgruntled expression. "I'm not insulting you, Belmont. I'm stronger because-"

"Vampire stuff I know." Trevor interrupted him, annoyed. He shifted closer to him and wrapped his arms around him, glaring at Alucard's smug expression. "Just get it over with."

Alucard bent his knees and pushed off the branch hard. He took off like a shit just as expected, what he hadn't expected, however, was the branch to break beneath his feet. They were sent plummeting towards the ground. Their velocity caused the rope to snap and they curled around each other rolling out of the fall. Trevor was on his back, wheezing with the air knocked out of him while Alucard lay on top of him trying to push himself up. Alucard rolled off and sat up grabbing his sword and cutting the remaining rope around their ankles. He stood and offered Trevor a hand.

"No exactly," Trevor grunted as he sat up. "How I expected to get down." He took Alucard's hand and stood up.

"Sypha was right." Alucard sighed. "We should've just walked around."

"We're already more than halfway through and I can see the other side so there's no use turning around now." Trevor shrugged putting his short sword and knife back in his belt.

"Well we better hurry then, if we want to make into town by sundown that is." Alucard replied starting to walk forward again. Trevor was still standing in the same spot, looking up at the tree they had just fallen from. Alucard stopped and looked over at his shoulder. "Well come on." He called out causing Trevor to begin to follow him again. They finished their walk through the forest, narrowly avoiding traps the rest of the way to meet up with Sypha who has gotten there at least 20 minutes earlier despite taking the long way, walking around the forest.

"What took you tow so long, I thought I was going to have to come in after you." She approached with her arms out.

"We-" Alucard paused and looked to Trevor who was making a face that explicitly said 'do not tell her we fell into a trap'. "We were just taking a leisurely stroll."

"Just spending some time..." Trevor looked over at Alucard and threw an arm around his shoulder. "Bonding." Sypha smiled at this even though she was incredibly suspicious.

"Well come on, let's head to the inn." Sypha waved for them to follow her. "See if they have any rooms left." She grumbled the last bit to herself. As they entered they realized how full the inn was, people sitting by the fire. walking through the halls, kids running up and down the stairs. "Do you have three rooms available?" Sypha asked politely.

"Sorry Peach, only got two left." The owner frowned.

"Well that's alright we'll take them, thank you." She shrugged, the boys would just have to make do. She placed money on the counter and the innkeeper handed her two keys as Sypha thsnked her once again. "Alright." Sypha sighed as she went to approach them. "She's said there are only two rooms left, so you two are just going to have to share."

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