A Million Thoughts

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Author's Note

This Picks up after season 2 episode 10 of Free Rein, as Zoe and Pin sit on the fence together. Remember this as you are reading so there is no confusion. And if you have not watched Free Rein, stop reading this and watch it before reading this book. I say this for 2 reasons. Firstly, Free Rein is absolutely AMAZING and I know you will love it, and also the fact that if you haven't watched it you will most likely not understand what is going on between Zoe and Pin. Enjoy the book! And Please vote and comment!

Zoe's POV

I sit there, with my head on Pin's shoulder, a million thoughts racing through my mind. I knew that Pin was going to make the decision to travel the world the minute he revealed that he was the duke. Ever since he opened up to me on the ghost train I knew that I would have to say goodbye and let him leave someday, but I never thought that that day would come so soon. I want him to be able to go and see the world, to see all the people and places he never would have been able to see otherwise. But even though I told him it was fine, inside, my heart was shattering into a thousand pieces. I didn't want Pin to leave, what would it mean for our relationship? Do we even have a relationship? What if he met someone else during his travels that he wanted to be with more than me, that he loved and cared for more, and I never even would have had a chance with him? Ever since our kiss at Nationals I haven't been able to stop thinking, are we a couple, are we not a couple? And with him leaving would we ever be able to make things "official" between us? I love Pin with all of my heart, I have loved him from the moment I locked eyes with him. But I am not completely sure how he feels about me. I know I need to say something before this becomes too awkward, so instead of bringing up the question that is pounding in my head, "when are you leaving? " , instead I say,
"I can't just let you buy me Raven."
"Consider it an investment, I'm expecting big things from you Zoe Phillips."
I roll my eyes at Pin, hop off the fence, and walk over to Raven. After so much fighting for him, he is finally mine, and I am his. I silently vow to myself that I will never ever let anything or anyone get in the way of me and Pin, or me and Raven ever again.

Pin's POV

As Zoe and I sit there on the fence, her head on my shoulder, I think about what my life will be like as a duke. I will finally be able to travel the world and see all of the places I have dreamed of seeing since I was little. I especially couldn't wait to go to Vienna, where I would fulfill my dream of seeing  lipizzaners. I have lived on this island for all of my life, and in a way I have always felt trapped. Now I have the money I need to be able to leave and explore the world, but although I am excited, I am also scared. What if being a duke and traveling the world turns me into my mother? What if it changes things between me and Zoe? We have never exactly defined out relationship. I love her with all of my heart, and after our kiss at Nationals I have begun to think that maybe she likes me back, and that there might be a possibility of us to become more than friends. And then my dad told me that I was the duke, and all I could think of, aside from finally being able to travel the world, was what if Zoe decided that she didn't want to be with me? Zoe already has a lot going on with Raven, and I don't want being a duke to get in the way of "us". Zoe then lifts her head off of my shoulder and says,
" I can't just let you buy me Raven."
"Consider it an investment, I'm expecting big things from you Zoe Phillips."
She rolls her eyes at me, I hop off the fence to pet Elvis, and silently vow to myself that I will never let anything get in the way of me and Zoe again.

Author's Note

Hi, so this is my first ever story on wattpad, so I hope you like this! It is what I want to happen in Free Rein season 3 when Pin decides to travel the world, and this will also include parts from the specials. For example, my interpretation on what happens in The Twelve Neighs of Christmas when Zoe goes back to Pin after helping Gabby. Please vote and comment, I will also appreciate ideas for other chapters, thank you! #Zin

- Olivia

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