Crossover between Marvel and Harry Potter

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"Just put him on Ron." I say to him as I start hand cuffing the dark wizards with magic hand cuffs.

"Ashley? Are you ok?" Harry asks me worried.

"I'm fine, no new scars so you don't have to worry, just a heads up, one of these guys is an unregistered Animagus like me, he can turn into a mouse." I say to him.

"And their wands?" Harry asks me.

"Got all six." I say and he sighs.

"Any witnesses?" Harry asks me.

"Just one, he was able to see the Dementors that came to attack me though." I say to Harry with a small shrug. "Doesn't have a wand from what I can see, maybe he doesn't know he's a wizard?" I ask Harry.

"Everyone knows by the age eleven, they get a letter from a wizarding school." Harry reminds me.

"Well he doesn't look like a troll, or a giant, or a werewolf." I say to Harry.

"How can you tell if he's a werewolf or not?" Harry asks me.

"Well yesterday was the full moon, he would be sick right now like Avery, my roommate was a werewolf, and Moony was a werewolf, I think I know a werewolf when I see one." I say to him. "Heads up, wands coming your way first Harry." I say as I transport them with a spell and then I transport the wizards. "Oh, they were followers of my mother, so be careful." I say to Harry.

"Alright, get back here after you obliviate the guy." Harry says to me.

"You sound like 'Mione." I say to Harry amused.

"Just do it Ashley." Harry says to me in annoyance.

"Alright alright, jeez." I say and I turn the ear piece off and I put it in my pocket.

I look at the panther guy who is in shock.

"How did you?" He asks me.

"Take out six magical beings and three Dementors with only a stick?" I finish and he nods. "This is a wand. There are many like it, but this one is mine, its a ten inch, acacia wood, unicorn hair, wand." I say and he looks at it shocked. "Anyways, I'll have to erase this fight from your memories, to keep the wizarding world safe, though you are curious, being able to see a dementor, I wonder." I think for a moment.

"You need magical properties to see those things right?" Panther guy asks me.

"Yes, but you yourself need to be magical." I say to him confused.

"I'm the Black Panther for centuries my fathers and their fathers were the black panther." The guy says to me and it finally pieces together.

"Oh! You must be T'Chaka's son." I say to him surprised.

"You know my Father?" He asks confused.

"No, he was an old friend of my Mother's." I say to him.

"Is that good or bad? You said those guys were followers of your mother." He asks me.

"Personally, I hate my mother with a burning passion, I don't even really consider her my Mother anymore for what she's done to me and my brothers and sisters." I say and I sigh. "But, most of her old friends had nothing to do with her being evil, so I can't classify it as either good or bad." I say and he nods confused. "You must be Prince T'challa then." I say to him.

"King actually." He says to me and I nod.

"Must I really obliviate him?" I ask myself and I come to a decision and I out my wand back up in my hair.

DraftsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora