Boop Bop

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I get up slowly as I listen to this dipshit talk.

"For the love of Hades, my father beat Titans to rule, my mother is the goddess of spring, I'm not gonna die here by the descendants of those Titans my father defeated." I mutter as I rise to my full height.

Thanos looks at me. "And who are you?" Thanos asks me as he drops Loki who is gasping.

"Bella, daughter of Hades the god of the Underworld and Persephone the goddess of Spring, the youngest daughter that is. I'm the Goddess of Life and Death, I control who lives and who dies, I keep things balanced and in order, things are as they should be, and I will not let you mess up what I have done for people." I say to Thanos and I summon my death scythe. "Right now, the balance is off for Asgard, you've murdered Thor's people and I will not let death befall anyone else but you scum." I say to him and Thor grunts, trying to tell me to stop.

"You are a fighter." Thanos says to me.

"I would hope so, I wouldn't have survived the battle with mg siblings seven thousand years ago." I say to him as I wait for my scythe to finish forming in my hand. "One gave me nightmares for centuries, couldn't sleep for a thousand, the other is the reason why I prefer fruit over meat." I say and Thanos smirks. "Thor, your sister broke my scythe." I complain as I look at the broken thing. "How am I supposed to be the queen of reapers if my cool death scythe is broken?" I ask Thor mildly annoyed as I look at the broken metal. "Oh well." I say and I drop it. "Just have to return to the underworld later, Harold will make me another if I ask." I say with a sigh.

I dodge metal scraps and blasts from stones by using my life scythe which deflects most of the rays, but I get hit in the chest by one of them.

"How are you not dead?" Thanos asks me seeing as I've only got the breath knocked out of me.

I look at him confused. "Didn't I tell you? I'm Bella, daughter of Hades and Persephone, I'm the Goddess of Life and Death, I'm immortal because of that." I say to him confused.

"That's unfair." The old wrinkly alien says to me and I shrug.

"That's not what your mom said last night." I say and he gasps. "My god I love earth memes, I'll have to thank Peter for teaching me memes." I say and Loki manages to stand up next to me.

"M'lady, just because you immortal, doesn't mean you can't be incapacitated." Loki says to me with a smirk.

"True, true." I say and I place my hand on his shoulder and he heals for the most part.

"Thank you." Loki says to me and I nod.

"No problem, your trickery can be useful seeing as our Lord of Thunder over there is a little tied up." I say to Loki who smirks again.

I look around for a weapon and I find a decent metal stick.

I pick it up and I look at it for a moment while Loki rolls his eyes.

I clench it and it grows into a decent scythe. "Its not magical, but, it'll do for this job, I mean, a Titan, my dad kicked your ancestors asses." I say pointing my scythe at Thanos. "So, I'll follow my Daddy's footsteps and kick your ass as well, save humanity, not because its right, or its hero like, or whatever Thor thinks, its because I don't like you and Father says that if I ever come across an enemy I don't like, I can kill him or her." I say and Loki looks pleased to not hear the same words Thor always says.

I think up a plan in a split second and I use my free hand and I manipulate some metals here to pin Thanos's kids to what wall there is left

"I thought you could only use plants." Loki says to me.

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