,,Wonder what king Toshinori wants from you, Deku..."
,,I am sure it is nothing we have to worry about. Don't worry, Izuku."

The only sound that could be heard in the long, almost empty corridors of the castle was the one of his boots against the stone tiles of the castle. The huge windows on his left were allowing the light of the sun enter, lighting up the place and making it less frightenning . The particles of dust floating in the air were visible to the eye, bringing an unexpected charm to the already magical sceanery. The halls were huge and imposing as expected from a castle, but if you lived as long as Izuku did in that place, the feeling was the complete opposite.

Of course, Midorya knew how it felt to be intimidated by the castle. He once felt it too, when he was 15 to be exact. Especially when he first went inside the building. His legs were trembling with each step while rambling to himself every bad possible outcome.

Five years passed ever since those days. He is 20 years old now and things changed in 5 years. He got a confidence boost, still shy and quiet, but at least he wasn't stuttering every two seconds anymore. He wasn't shaking or tripping anymore. He now spoke up whenever he had a problem.
In short, he grew a lot, emotinally and phisically. He wasn't the same scrawny, scared teen anymore.

Izuku arrived in front of a huge wooden door and slowly opened it. The door made a small creaking sound, at which Izuku couldn't help but cringe at. Midorya entered and was met with the sight of a tall, extremely thin man, with blonde untamed hair, with his back turned to Izuku.

Midorya approached the man, fell on one knee and bowed his head, looking to the ground.
,,Your highness!"

The king looked back, startled by the sudden voice. His features softened at the sight of the younger male though as he turned around so he could face him. There was a warm smile on the king's face, that brought a bit of fire in his cold blue eyes.
,,How many times do I have to tell you, my boy? No need for formalities! Toshinori is just fine!" He said as he motioned Midorya to stand up.

Izuku got up, as told, a wide grin spreading on his face, creating a dimple in his left cheek. King Toshinori Yagi was what other royals would call eccentric. It wasn't that. He was just a really kind man. Treating everyone as equal, no matter what. He was old and wise, but positive and carring. He would risk his own life for others.

,,Is there a new quest, a new mission you called me for?" Izuku asked in a curious tone.
,,I...it is more of a favour really." Toshinori's smile faded just as soon as it arrived and he suddenly switched to a look of worry and maybe even guilt. The atmosphere felt heavier.
The king told Izuku to take a seat at the big round table in the grand hall they were in. Midorya took his normal spot, the seat closest to the windows on the left and Toshinori sat on his right where, usually, his friend Iida would sit.

,,Midorya, my boy..." he spoke gravely. He paused for a bit as if he was searching for his words or how to put the problem. The king was doing all he could to avert the younger ones gaze full of concern.

,,I...think you already heard about the peace pact between us and the Southern Kingdom..." the king stated.
,,I was there when you signed the contract. I was outside the door you and queen Rei were in..." Izuku said with a strangled laugh. He clearly could tell something was wrong.
,,Right! Heh...um...Izuku, you also know about-"
,,Queen Rei dethroning her husband and taking control and the fact that she is on a quest to make peace with everyone her husband antagonised." Izuku cut him short.
,,Yes..." the king let out the breath he forgot he was holding. ,,But there is something else...do you know about what happened to her children?"
,,No...nobody knows. At least nobody my rank." Izuku said with his brows furrowed. He placed his finger on his chin in a thoughtful manner. ,,Once the queen took over, they...just...disappearedl! I mean, it wasn't like anyone knew anything about them in the first place due to the fact that Endeavour never actually revealed his kids and kept them a secret, but he allways mentioned them during speeches or public events... so people knew they existed. And from all the times he talked a bit about them, people figured there were three. However, after the queen took over, they were never mentioned again." Izuku continued, well rambled, gesturing in the air.
,,Yes...well...as you know, King Endevour had a lot of...foes...so to say." Toshinori said, letting the subject they opened earlier pass. ,,Some considered more freghtening then others and, well, one of those more dangerous ones was our kingdom." He paused. If the atmosphere was tense earlier, now he could pretty much cut the air with a knife. ,, Normally, queen Rei felt the need to take some more drastic measures when it came to us." He continued, now looking at the ground.
,,What measures? Is there something bad? What other kingdoms are in the same situation? Will we have to resort to vilonce?" Izuku asked, clearly worried.
,,No, my boy! Nothing like that! Don't get yourself pumped up! And to answear one of your questions. There are two more kingdoms like us, The Northern one and the one from South-East."
,,North is the Miruko clan and South-East is the Shiota clan. Three so called threats in total including us." Midorya stated with his brows furrowed and his gaze focused in the distance, most definitley already making some kind of plan even though he told him not to worry.
Then again, he told Izuku multiple times not to worry in the past and almost everytime, he ended up lying. In a way, he couldn't blame Midorya for not trusting him.

,,Yes...three kingdoms. And she has three kids." Toshinori added after a while, deciding that he should get to the point.
Izuku was completely off guard at that statement, his reaction being of pure confusion once he snaped back to reality.
,,What do you...mean?" Izuku asked, almost afraid to.
The king took a deep breath.
,,Queen Rei is way more diplomatic then her husband used to, but she is still very smart." He paused for a moment. ,,Even though our dreams of peace are finally becoming true, she still has her worries. She just wants to be...careful." His gaze fell to his feet. There was a knot in his chest, making it hard to breathe. ,,She wants to make sure she doesn't get attacked anymore, while also bringing back some of the respect her family lost after it was revealed what Endevour has been up to." He continued with distress.
,,Are you...ok? You look pale" Izuku interrupted, placing a hand on the king's shoulder, leaning forward to pay the man a closer look.
,,Oh no...I am fine my boy, no worries!" He smiled weakily, raising his head to face the knight. Midorya didn't remove his hand, keeping it there for support. ,,Back on track." Toshinori announced, his gaze falling back down. ,,I guess...My point is..." His breath was stuck in his throat. Everytime he tried to say it, he just couldn't. It felt horrible. He had to say it. He let go of that breath and forced the words out.
,,She wants...a marriage." The king said. He finally said it. It both felt like a rock was taken away from his heart and a brand new pressure was added. He glanced at the boy, to see a reaction and what he saw was shock. Pure shock, which was immediately followed by concern and curiousity.
,,Marriage? Between her kids and the heirs of each of the three dangerous kingdoms, I am guessing. But, well, the soon-to-be-queen of the Miruko clan isn't married, so she is in line for the marriage and the Shiotas have a daughter, but you..." Izuku trailed off at the last part and the king was completely aware as to why.
,,I know, my boy. I don't have any heir and the queen knows that, I told her that." He stopped.
,,Well then, how are you going to...you know..." Midorya was at a loss of words and was trying to make sense of the situation.
,, She said that it doesn't have to be the next to the throne." There it was again, the sickness in his stomach. A thousand thoughts were running wild through the older man's mind, but was snapped out of it by the boy's voice asking him ,,then who?". Toshinori grabbed the knight's hands in his own and held them tight, slowly looking up to stare directly in the boy's jade eyes.
,,It has to be someone I trust." He announced. The younger one looked confused, but in the matter of seconds his eyes flashed wide open as if the light finally flickered. A slight scarlet blush spread across his freckled cheeks.
,,W-wait. You mean...me?" Izuku's voice cracked a bit at the last part.
,,You don't have to accept if you don't want to, I am not forcing you, my boy. Whether you accept or not, you will still be my most trust-worthy knight. If you don't want to, I will try to nagotiate something else." The king explained softly, tightening his grip on Izuku's hands.
Izuku was speachless. If he was out of words before, now he was completeley lost.
,,I mean...I don't think I can decide now. It's just so sudden. I mean, I don't even know who they are." Izuku said, pulling his hands away.
,,The youngest son. Shoto, but I understand, it isn't a matter you can decide upon on spot." Toshinori confirmed. ,,But I do need an answear as soon as possible." He continued.
,,How much time do I have?" Izuku asked anxiously.
,,Is three days enough?" The king answeared.
Izuku stood still for a while, but eventually nodded. ,,I assume I am not allowed to consult with anyone." Midorya pointed out.
,,Unfortunetly." The king said.
Izuku nodded, got up and bowed once. Toshinori got up and signed the boy to straighten up. He placed his hands on his shoulders and proceeded to reassure Izuku that he didn't have to do it. Midorya smiled and gave his king a reassuring look and proceeded to leave the room, the door closing behinde him.
Once outside, Izuku placed his hand over his beating heart and let himself lean against the door. He sighed, not knowing what happened just a few seconds ago. He needed to process everything. Yeah...a clear mind will help him.

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