Chapter 12: Hang In There

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It has been a pretty hectic schedule for everyone. Thankfully, Jackson is alive but still unconscious. The Yoo family and everyone including Jihyo, decided to give him another chance. I mean, he did work with those 'pests' but thanks to him, they're now our of the empire so it's fair-fair game for Jeongyeon and Mr. Yoo.

Jeongyeon read the letter Jackson wanted him to read. She cried reading the letter.

How lonely has he been these past years, she thought.

'Jeong...' a voice of an old man held his shoulder as he stares at the unconscious bestfriend hers.

'Oh, Mr. Jeon. Good morning' she said standing up and bowed at the old man.

The old man nodded his head and patted her shoulder, 'Go get some rest, Jeong. I'll be here to watch over him'

Jeongyeon, she's pretty much unstable at the moment. Looking like a zombie because she hasn't left slept nor ate anything. Everyone is convincing her to go home and rest but she insist on staying. She never left her seat beside Jackson's bed.

'I brought someone that may finally convince you to go home' Mr. Jeon smiled at the latter who's looking so dead.

The door creaked open as it reveals the person she've been wanting to meet. Jeongyeon's eyes widens and went straight for a hug.

'Omo' Jihyo was startled by Jeongyeon who welcomed her into a hug.

Before she could even say anything, Jeongyeon's hug tightened and her shoulder part of her blouse started to feel wet.

She's crying...

Jihyo guided Jeongyeon to sit down on the couch beside the door to calm her down first before taking her home.

'Shh... it's okay, Jeong. I'm here... I'm sorry I came just now' Jihyo rubbed Jeongyeon's back, comforting her.

'Jihyo *sobs* Jihyo...*sobs* it's, Jackson... he's..*sobs* he won't... *sobs* he won't wake up...' Jeongyeon couldn't even get it together as she speaks. She's too heartbroken seeing her friend unconscious for days.

'He will, Jeong.... he will... it's alright... he'll be fine...' Jihyo caressed Jeongyeon's head, feeling her soft silky hair.

The old man couldn't help but fedl bad for the girl who's devastated right now. So he went and confort Jeongyeon who's like his own daughter.

'Jeong. Listen to me, young lad' Mr. Jeon spoke firmly making Jeongyeon look at him with her puffy and red eyes. 'Jackson's fighting for his life, buddy. Look! He's alive! Isn't that great? Hmm?' He smiled at Jeongyeon and patted her head, 'If he was able laugh about how hurt it felt when he got shot, then this hospital and being unconscious for days is nothing, lad' He said remembering the time Jeongyeon told them the whole story about what happened in Jackson's room.

This made Jeongyeon feel a little at ease. Her heart a little relieved that made her let out a soft chuckle.

'Now, go on and rest, hmm? You have a lot of scolding to do with Jackson when he wakes up so you better have a lot of energy' Mr. Jeon joked around, ruffling Jeongyeon's hair.

Jeongyeon nodded. Jihyo started assisting her out to bring her home.

Momo drove the both of them to the apartment they bought few years back. Where the maknaes and the couple lives.

She kept glancing in the rear mirror, observing the two in the back seat. Such a quite view it is; Jeongyeon's face buried in Jihyo neck while Jihyo wraps her arm around Jeongyeon, caressing her head whilst giving her kisses.

'Jihyo' She breathe out, enough for the Korean girl to hear. Once they had an eye contact, she smiledc 'we're here'

Momo got off while Jihyo's preparing Jeongyeon for the both of them; Momo and her to assist the worn out girl.

Jihyo rang the doorbell in their unit. They heard rustling and a click the indicated that the maknaes are probably all home.

The door opened, revealing three curious little maknaes.


'Shh!' Momo shushed them three.

The three realized what was the situation they were in and moved aside for the two to assist Jeongyeon in the bedroom.

'Up you go'

They laid down the girl who looked so tired and restless. Jihyo caressed her forehead before giving it a kiss.

'You know Jihyo, you probably thought Jeongyeon is the most heartless and a player when you met but you know...' Momo trailed off, 'she's the nicest out of the troublemaker squad' she chuckled.

'She doesn't like fighting with her friends. She'd always sacrifice her happiness just for us to be happy.'

'You see, being rich doesn't mean we were living the life. Well, technically we we were but being in a rich family means there's gonna be a lot of pressure on our backs' Momo stated. 'But because of her, we learned how to have fun and make the most of our lives despite having the biggest burden than all of us' She continued.

'That's why seeing her like this? It really makes us worry' Momo started to tear up but stopped it. She wanted to be strong for her friends; the one laying down in front of her and the one ynconscious in the hospital.

Jihyo, she knows what Momo was talking about. She does, she really does even though thier first chapter was kinda rough and Jeongyeon almost force herself into her. She still saw the good side of Jeongyeon she could never imagine that the latter has.

Momo gave a pat on Jihyo's shoulder as they had a sincere eye contact. Indicating that Momo's leaving Jeongyeon in Jihyo's hands.

Jihyo's POV

I stared at her for awhile wondering what she could sha have been doing this past years. What could ben running through her mind. I wonder.

I leaned in to kiss Jeongyeon's forehead before putting my forehead against hers.

'Hang in there, Jeong. Hang in there...' I whispered and smiled.

I tucked both of us in in the blanket. I was startled when Jeongyeon arms snake its way around my waist, pulling me closer to her.

'Don't leave me... please, Jihyo' She mumbled but I heard it.

I smiled. I wrapped my arms around her. She buries her face on my collarbone. I caressed her her while humming a lullaby hoping it would ease her.

Thankfully, after a few minutes, I heard her breathing becomes steady as sne snoozes off.

'I won't leave, Jeong. I won't' I whispered giving her a koss on top of her head

Before I know it, I started to drift off to the dreamland to meet her.

In the hospital,

Everyone is panicking. Nurses running around trying to get the unconscious person to the emergency room that's life is on the line.

'Doc! Blue code!' The nurses rolled him fown to the emergency room.

The doctor rushes to walk beside the litter to listen to the guy's heartbeat.

'Not good! Come on, fast! To the ER!' The doctor's eyes widens as he heart the guy's heartbeat getting faint.

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