CHAPTER 116: Ryoma's Allergy

Start from the beginning

Hers for a full three hours? Meaning... she spent money to spend three hours with Fuji?

His purple eyes could only look bewilderedly as she made her way through the crowd with a confident stride. She took a wallet from deep within the pocket of her dress and counted some bills. After handing the money to the hostess, she looked at Fuji and smiled.

Atobe glared. Fuji, that brown-haired devil, smiled back at her with that slimy smile of his and offered his hand. She took it, placing her dainty white hand on his palm and let him lead her down the stage.

"How beautiful!" a girl beside him commented.

"Pretty girls get everything... Fuji-kun looked so nice with her, like a couple stepping off of a magazine," her friend added.

They felt a pressure from their right side and looked there. A tall handsome guy with a beauty mark under his right eye glared at them icily.

"Su-su-sumimasendeshita! (We're sorry!)" They chorused on impulse and scrammed without knowing what it is that they are sorry for.

Little did he know that only a few feet away from him, another one was scaring away people with his fiery glare and sharp outburst of temper.

Atobe watched Fuji and Ryouko steer away from the crowd and he decided to follow them. As he kept his purple pupils on their backs, dodging people along the way and keeping a safe distance, he couldn't help but wonder.

Since when did Fuji Syusuke and Fujioka Ryouko get so close? He barely saw them together during the camp. Could it be that something happened during those several days after camp ended? What could possibly happen in such a short amount of time to cause such an extraordinary turn of events?

Fujioka Ryouko is not the type of girl to open up warmly to just anyone, but as he watched her exchanging words with Fuji, smiling her half-smiles and various kinds of glints shining in her rust-colored eyes, he began to doubt that fact.

One thing is certain. Whatever it is, Atobe is sure to get to the bottom of it. No one, absolutely no one is allowed to receive Ryouko's fleeting smiles and look at her the way that Fuji Syusuke does now; except for him, that is. With his eyes narrowed, he continued following them when all of a sudden, Ryouko looked over her shoulder.

Atobe quickly stepped sidewards to hide behind a nearby stall.

"What is it?" Fuji asked.

"Nothing. I just felt some strange presence for a second," Ryouko replied.

"Shall we go to a place with lesser people?" Fuji told her.

"Sure," Ryouko answered.

Atobe breathed a sigh of relief. "That was close," he thought. "Why's she so sharp?"

He looked ahead of him and was met by a strange sight. He was looking eye to eye with Echizen Ryoma who was hiding by the side of the stall across from him. They looked at each other dumbly for a second before blinking in confusion.

"Why the heck are you here?" Ryoma finally said.

"I should say the same to you," Atobe replied.

"I study in this school, dumbass," Ryoma retorted.

"What're you acting so sneaky for, you midget?" Atobe snapped, ignoring the logic in Ryoma's answer.

"None of your damn business," is Ryoma's sharp riposte.

"You're not following Ryouko, are you? Sneaky little rat," Atobe said suspiciously with narrowed eyes.

"I think you're the one who's following her, you sneaky stupid monkey," Ryoma answered sarcastically.

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