Let's Hang Out

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2 months had passed by, and Frieza forgot about what he felt. BUUUUT! Just you wait..

"Alright everyone, Bulma called me to have a delightful feast! Take care of the place while we're gone!" Whis and Lord Beerus jolt into space.
Frieza has softened up, but he isn't completely 'nice'. "We might as well start doing work, right?"
Goku looks at him. "Hey, Frieza?"
"Yes, monkey?" Frieza stops in his tracks.
"Well... I was just thinking we could hang out for bit? Y'now, talk?" He scratches the back of his head, smiling.
Frieza thinks for a moment.. then nodding. "It sounds fine with me.. it's time we deserve a short break, don't you think?"
Goku laughs "Yeah, same thoughts here!"
"Maybe we can invite that Oracle Fish too.. it can probably share some prophecies with us."
"Actually, I was thinking-... Yeah, we should invite her." Goku kinda fakes a smile while he runs inside the tree castle with Frieza.
Why did he seem so off? Maybe he.. Frieza's thoughts were cut off by his face hitting the side of the entrance. "OW!"
Goku looks back at him and laughs. "Usually I'd be the one to do that! Why're you so clumsy?"
"Hearing that from you means something is seriously wrong with me.. but I bumped into the side because I was deep in thought." Frieza rubs his cheek. What is that thing made of..?
"Well, come on already!" Goku continues running; Frieza shortly follows after him.
They reach the Oracle Fish, who is in her bowl. "Yo, fish!"
"H-Huh?!" She was startled by them. "What do you guys need?"
Goku smiles "We came to invite you to a.. hey Frieza, what are we going to do?"
Frieza crosses his arms, sighing. "We're just gonna hang out. Maybe you know where?" He looks at the fish.
"Well sure. I know the perfect place!" She moves to the spot where they'll relax
They follow, wondering where this place will be.
"Here it is!" She stops at the spa-like place. (Y'now, the place on episode 3 of Super Beerus bathed in.)
"Woah! This is cool. So we just relax here?" Goku looks at the steaming bathing area.
"Yup! I don't think Lord Beerus would mind." The Oracle Fish lands on a rock in the middle of the area.
Frieza looks at the water, then stepping in. "This is very warm. A nice change from the cold vacuum of space.."
Goku goes on ahead and cannon balls in. "Weee!" The water splashes all over Frieza.
"Oh, you made a big mistake..."


The next chapter will make you explode. I assure you. 2 more btw, and I promise.. kissing is a thing in this universe. Oh and those 2 chapters are so much longer than the ones before.

What Is This Feeling..? (Frieza x Goku)Where stories live. Discover now