"Sorry, Esme." I paused. "Jake is more than willing to keep Bella safe and I'm friends with the others and they'd quickly agree to it."

"No way, we're not putting your life in the hands of those m-" Rosalie began.

"Stop calling them mutts, Jesus Christ," I exclaimed. "I agree with Bella. The wolves can help, so you guys can keep fed and so Rosalie doesn't end up murdering Bella or something," I added, smiling at my final statement. 

"Funny, Sky," Rosalie muttered. 

"I know, I'm hilarious, and what?" 

"People don't find arrogance attractive," Rosalie joked, smiling at the girl.

"Obviously they do if they like me, ask Jasper," I retorted. "Sorry, Jazz," I added. "Anyway back to the issue at hand."


So, Jake and Edward had another argument over Bella, as usual. It resulted in what Bella told me was her saying she was Switzerland. I was over the love triangle and just wished Bella would straight up tell Jacob that she had chosen Edward. I don't know if she realised what she was doing but she needed to quickly so that Jacob wasn't completely heartbroken when it came out that she wasn't in love with him. 

There was a knock at the front door, I slid off my bed and made my way down the stairs. I opened the door to two women and one man. 

"Hello?" I greeted, frowning.

"Hey, are you Skylar?" The older woman asked. 

"Yeah," I replied. 

"I'm Lydia Thompson, this is my husband Anthony and our daughter, Amara," she introduced, her English accent evident. I guess I did get my accent from them. 

"Oh. Oh. I didn't expect you to show up," I admitted. 

"We figured you'd be graduating soon and going to college, so we thought visiting now would be the best time," Anthony explained. 

"Okay, do you want to come in?" I moved out of the way and let them in before leading them to the living room. "Please, sit." They did as I said. 

"You're so grown," Lydia told. "Any plans after graduation?"

"I got into Harvard and I accepted, so..." I trailed off, feeling the tension within the room. 

"That's amazing," Anthony exclaimed. 

"Thanks." I turned to Amara. "So how old are you Amara?"

"Thirteen," she whispered. 

"You had her about two years after you left me," I muttered. I watched as their faces fell. "Why did you do it?"

"We were in a dark place, we weren't healthy for you," Lydia began. "Amara, why don't you go with your dad to the car and grab the thing for Skylar."

Amara nodded and followed Anthony out. 

"We were using and someone reported it, so the social workers took you away from us. We tried to get clean for you but we couldn't. It wasn't until I found out I was pregnant with Amara that I stopped. So did Anthony. The social workers kept an eye on us to make sure we didn't... relapse," she explained. 

She reached forward, trying to grasp my hand. I pulled it away. 

"So you left me with nothing but your names?" I asked. "No way to contact you, no way to make sure you were okay?"

"I know, I know. We regret it, more than you can know, but we thought maybe this could be a second chance," she revealed. 

"You got clean in just over a year. You got pregnant about a year after you ditched me and suddenly you could get clean. Not for me, not for the daughter you had at that moment but the one you didn't even know yet?" I spoke, my voice cracking. 

"It was wrong of us," she admitted. "But we couldn't control it, stopping, that is."

"And when you were clean did you not think to come back for me?" 

Silence. She couldn't answer. I wanted to cry but I refused too, not in front of them. They really didn't want me. 

"We've got the present," Anthony announced. "A graduation gift," he informed, passing the package over to me. I muttered a thank you and opened it. It was a new dress. I smiled, although the dress was not one I would wear.

"Thank you, but I think you guys should leave," I instructed. "It's a lot to process all at once and I would appreciate it if you could leave me be," I added, staring at the floor. 

"Oh, okay," Lydia breathed. She led her husband out. 

Amara stayed behind.

"I didn't know I had a sister and I was hoping that we could get to know each other," she admitted. "I'll leave my number, you don't have to text me if you don't want to."

She left a slip of paper on the table. 

"I don't agree with what they did," she revealed. With those words, she left. 

Once I heard the car leave the drive I let the tears fall. 

"Fuck," I exclaimed, pressing my hands against my eyes. 

"Skylar," a soft voice spoke. "Alice saw-"

I began sobbing, moving forward to hug him. 

"Sky, what's the matter?" Jasper asked, rubbing his hands in circles on my back. 

"My biological parents," I began, being interrupted by another sob. 

"You don't have to tell me," he soothed. 

"I don't want Charlie to see me like this," I spoke. 

Jasper helped me to my bedroom, sitting me down on my bed. He sat next to me, allowing me to lean my head on his shoulder as the tears continued to fall. 

"I was taken away from them because they were using. Then a little over a year later they got clean because Lydia found out she was pregnant and she managed to get clean permanently. I guess she relapsed during the year, I didn't give them time to tell me. They didn't come to get me when they were clean. They kept Amara but they didn't care about me," I explained, glancing up at him. "Why does no one want me? They left, you left, Mum talks to Bella more than she talks to me. I'm always a second thought," I cried. 

"That's not true," Jasper comforted. "You were always the first thing on my mind, even when I left. I always loved you and always will love you."

"You're a fucking asshole," I mumbled. "Telling me you love me now of all times."

"I hoped it would make you feel better and it did, you're back to insulting me," he pointed out. 

"You sly motherfucker," I quipped, chuckling slightly. I leaned away from him, smiling up at him. "Thanks for being here now."

"I'll always be here, I promise," he told.

"Don't lie."

"I made the mistake of leaving once, I'm not doing that again." He paused. "And besides, your parents sound like assholes."

"Did you just swear?" I joked. He chuckled. "But you're right, fuck those people. They're not my parents. I spent most of my life without them, I can spend the rest of it without them."

"See, Sky, you're going to be fine," he reassured. "You're going to graduate and then you're going to go to Harvard and study Environmental science and get your degree and forget all about them."

"Thank you Jasper," I whispered, grasping his hand. 

A/N I know this is crap but I wanted to introduce her parents and I've had this idea for a while.

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