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Please, check out my original Wattpad profile keepfaithbaby , this is just a second profile that I resurrected (kind of). Also, check out my other stories.


The moment Mackenzie burst into tears, the bell rang and our teacher waltzed in the classroom. She stopped in her tracks as soon as Mackenzie ran out of the classroom with Yara following her.

The teacher raised one eyebrow at all of us, waiting for an explanation.

"Kristen started screaming her ass off and made Mackenzie cry!", one of my classmates exclaimed.

I wanted to hit something. Or someone. If I could have, I would have hit both Yara and Mackenzie. But I couldn't. Because I was at school. If I was violent at school, I would be sent to the children pedagogic room. From there, I could be suspended or expelled.

I couldn't do anything but take my seat, feeling humiliated. My classmate was right. With what right I had scared Mackenzie and brought her to tears?

At the same time, I couldn't help but believe it was her fault. Had she not been born, had her mother not existed, my father wouldn't have anyone to cheat on with on my mother. No matter how he put it, at the end of the day, he had cheated. End of question. Having a double life was no excuse for absolutely anything.

The rest of the day had gone by in a blur. Usually, I was elated to go home and spend time with family members, but not today. I wasn't going to go home. Why go back to the arguments and the tension right after a long day of school?

I hadn't realized my feet had made their way into the park near my house until I heard noise and almost bumped into someone. A young child. In fact, the whole park was full of children.

I sat on a free swing without caring an adult could come and scold me for being too old and for not giving up my place for the youngsters.

For a minute I wished I was one of these youngsters. I wished my father could push the swing while I laughed. I wished my mother could take photos for the family album. My eyes started burning with tears at the memories I had made at this exact park.

I wished I was a little girl again when life was so simple.

And there I sat at the park - bawling my eyes out from anger. Why was life so unfair?

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