Shelter (2)

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Gianni DeLuca ^^^^

"Congratulations Maria. How far along are you?" Casey screamed in excitement.

"I'm four months. Me and Kai wanted to keep it lowkey for a bit before saying anything." She smiled happily.

"That's amazing. It's a blessing." I said quietly.

"Thank you guys. Look I gotta go Kai is taking me to lunch today. I'll speak to you both later." She quickly spoke as she gathered her belongings.

"Bye." Me and Casey said in unison as she walked away.

"You okay?" Casey automatically asked me.

"Yes Im fine Casey." I said brushing away my feelings.

"I'm sorry for asking." She mumbled apologetically.

Turning to her with a sincere smile I squeezed her hand in mine, attempting to reassure her somehow.

"I love you Anya." She said sadly smiling.

"I love you too Casey."

"Come on let's revise for the exam."

"Dude why did you remind me?" I jokingly laughed.

We walked in a soothing silence to the library. Once there I automatically found a table in the corner away from majority of the students studying. Sitting down and taking out my book Casey went off to search for her law book.


Looking at the clear blue test in my hand I felt as if my heart would collapse.


I'm pregnant with...

I don't even know who's child I'm pregnant with!

"Anya I got us vegan kebabs." Casey came screaming as she burst through my room.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked as she halted.

"Yes." I said barely audible.

Quickly closing my door and putting down the food she engulfed me in a hug.
Breaking down in her arms I cried out to God, confused and not knowing what to do.

"I'm here for you no matter what." She said looking me in the eyes.

"I want to keep my baby." I said straight away. It wasn't even a thought to me. I didn't care how he or she was created I just wanted my child with me.

"I'll book an appointment first thing tomorrow. " she smiled.

"Thank you Casey."

"I'm always here if you need me jitterbug. Now let's eat!" She said quickly grabbing her kebab roll and eating.


"Anya you good?" Casey asked me concerned as she now stood in front of me.

"Yea Im fine girl. Look I think ima just head back to the apartment and get some sleep before work tonight." I said honestly and already packing up my things.

"Okay babe. Well I'll see you later." She said to me as her deep brown eyes gawked into mine. Casey is an absolute beauty her pale skin almost ivory looking went beautifully with her jet black hair.

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