Chapter 26: The Mentor-Protege

Start from the beginning

Kyle: and another thing, if you two lose, you won't get a shot at our championships

Bobby: with that being said, Randy and Alex, here is your first team

Out came Kyle and Bobby's First Army stablemates, Ringkampf members Marcel and Fabian. The two European wrestlers got in the ring and started fighting the mentor-protege team. As the match was happening, Kyle and Bobby stood on the stage and watched.

(Fast forward)

Alex and Fabian were fighting until the Italian Superstar pushed the Pharaoh to the referee. This gave Ringkampf's muscle WALTER time to rush down and took out Randy and Alex with devastating chops to the chest. Der Ring General quickly got out of the ring. Fabian tagged in Marcel to hit their finisher, a powerbomb and uppercut combo; they executed it and Marcel went for the pin.

The referee recovered, but Alex got his shoulder up. Ringkampf, Bobby and Kyle were shocked.

Marcel then waited for Alex to get up to capitalize; the Pharaoh got on his feet and scouted Marcel's attack by sending him over the top rope; Alex threw out Fabian as well. He then crawled to his corner to tag the Viper in.

Randy rushed over to take out Fabian with a clothesline; then he flattened the Italian with his signature belly to back suplex. The Viper turned his attention to Marcel; he threw the German into the ring and the Pharaoh's mentor went to that place.

Then WALTER went into the ring to distract the Viper, but from outta nowhere, Alex laid Der Ring General with a huge AKO.

Marcel hits Alex with a step up enziguri, but Randy took him to Viperville with an RKO. He pinned Barthel for the victory, keeping his and Alex's tag team title opportunity alive. Kyle and Bobby were a bit irked of this before they got on the mic.

Kyle: that was just round 1, and you two were lucky

Bobby: but we all know that luck runs out, so here is your second team

Out came the First Army's co-founders, Tommaso and Johnny aka #DIY. The two rushed down to the ring and started the fight. Johnny pulled Alex out of the ring and threw him to the steel stairs while Tommaso and Randy traded punches. Then #DIY played the numbers game when Johnny helped Tommaso.

(Fast forward)

The match were on Johnny and Tommaso's side for the majority of the duration as the Blackheart and Johnny Wrestling made frequent tags to neutralize Randy. However, the Viper made a comeback as he laid out both Johnny and Tommaso with the hanging DDT.

Randy then slowly crawled to his corner where Alex is pumped up to get into the match.

Alex: come on, mentor!

He held out his hand as far as he could for Randy. Then the VIper tagged the Pharaoh in. Alex went in like a cannonball shot from a cannon and fired rapid punches and kicks to Johnny.

Tommaso came in, but he was met with a superkick from Alex. Then Randy came in and took out Tommaso on the outside. Johnny came back to his feet and Alex launched, but the First Army co-founder blocked him with a kick. Johnny went to the top turnbuckle for an offense move; he jumped, but Alex caught him with a mid-air AKO. He pinned Johnny Wrestling for the victory.

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