Chapter 1

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Here it is, the first chapter! And what time is it? 7:38. There is no need for pitchforks and torches.

Please read to understand what's going on: So, this is gonna start out one day after the end of Wanderlust. Also: Remember how Wanderlust was all in Kellin's POV? Well, this is going to be different. This entire fic is going to be in Vic's POV.

Welcome back to this story. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1 - Tried to Wash You Down With Something Strong

My favorite thing about waking up has always been those first few seconds, the seconds where I don’t know anything.

I think we all know the feeling—the shift from unconsciousness to consciousness, where you’re still half-asleep and have to remember once again where you are and who you are and what it is that you’re waking up to. I always like to avoid those things for as long as possible, burying myself back into the covers and closing my still-tired eyes in the hopes of at least just lying there, knowing in the back of my mind that I’m only postponing the inevitable.

To be quite honest, these particular feelings had been leaving me alone for a while, because for a while, I had something to look forward to waking up to. Today, though? Today I am alone…except I’m not.

I notice it when I roll over, brushing against a somewhat larger body in the bed. I rub my eyes and let them slowly open, then take in the still-sleeping form of none other than Craig Owens. That’s when I notice the slightly different color of the walls, the way the bed looks and feels a bit different, now that I’m actually focused on it. And then I realize something else: I’m half-naked, and so is Craig.

And here it comes, the inevitable reality as I remember everything that happened just yesterday. Was it really yesterday already? Has time sped up? It feels like the world should’ve at least paused. But of course it didn’t. Time has passed, and more time will pass, because that’s the way it works.

Less than twenty-four hours ago, I broke up with Kellin Quinn and let him drive back home to Oregon, and then I cried on the front porch swing, wondering why I had to fuck everything up by thinking I’d fallen for him.

Craig found me and took me to a club with him, promising that a night out would make me feel better. And so I went along with it, and I got really fucking drunk just like I always do, and then…

It takes me a bit longer to remember that piece of information, but after struggling a bit with my slow, hungover mind, I manage to recall the dripping sweat, the roaming hands, the feeling of bodies pressed together.

That memory makes me cringe; I can’t help but feel like I’m betraying somebody—specifically Kellin—by having sex with Craig. I start to search for my shirt, which is when Craig himself stirs, reaching out and running a hand across my chest. “Hmm? Vic?” he says groggily, rubbing his eyes. “What the hell? What are you doing here?”

I grimace, finding my shirt on the floor next to the bed and pulling it over my head. “Uh, you brought me to your house,” I say, my voice coming out rough and scratchy.

"Did I say you could sleep in my bed?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me condescendingly. Either it’s a trick question, or he really doesn’t remember.

"Um…you didn’t say I couldn’t," I say slowly, climbing out of the bed and pushing some hair out of my face. "We, uh…we had sex." I grimace again as I say it out loud. I might’ve consented last night, but now it’s the next day, and I regret it. Not that it’s the first time I’ve done something while drunk that I regretted in the morning.

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