quirk [updated to where the quirk actually makes sense lmfao]

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Quirk name: Shapeshift

Quirk type: Transformation

Quirk Description: Allows the user to transform into someone else on both a cosmetic and quasi-biological level. To do this the user's body rewrites its cellular structure and modifies their chromosomes. Their body must come in contact with the body (or any DNA: hair, skin cells, saliva etc.)  or object recently for this to happen.

User can only take on the appearance of an object or person and none of that object or person's characteristics. There is a limit to the size of the object or person that the user can imitate. User can't expand their mass any more than 1.5 times as large a volume as his or her original volume, or contract his or her mass any more than 0.75 a volume as their original.

More experienced users are able to cellular shift. Cellular shifting gives users the capability of clotting wounds and slowing the circulation of poison if it's in the bloodstream. Cellular shifting also allows users to shift down to someone's core, the root of their powers, but it may take a lot of will power.

Quirk Advantages: It's easy for users to hide. They'll have the same strengths, sound, and looks as what they've shifted into (strength and sound only appear from cellular shifting). 

Quirk Disadvantages: Since the flux of body cells are always changing, the user must take care of their body by always eating foods rich in antioxidants

Quirk Drawbacks: Cellular shifting can cause tremors inside the user's body. Too much straining on their body can distend the insides of the holder.

Super Move - Respire Art: Hūxī Modues OperandiThis move allows user to enhance their physical abilities and mental concentration, based on their breath patterns.

Hero Costume - Hero Costume is designed to shift with the user. (Credits to Epic Soldier on Deviant Art)

 (Credits to Epic Soldier on Deviant Art)

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