Meeting Harry Potter and getting our wands

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Hello my name is Marisol Scamander and I finally got my letter to Hogwarts. I'm 11 years old and my family is kinda famous for taking care of animals and breeding them. I love my family so much. My family is a mix between Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. I don't know what'll get but I can't wait. I'm half-blood and an animagus. My mother is a witch and my father is a muggle. Hailey and Travis got their letters too. At least I have some friends with me. I heard that Harry Potter the boy who lived is going to be attending Hogwarts. My mom said she'd take me, Hailey, and Travis to Diagon Alley tomorrow and I can't wait.

~Time skip to Diagon Alley & getting everything except the wand~

We just finished getting our pets. When we saw Hagrid. He's like a family friend to us. We went over to him and we said "Hi Hagrid!" He said "Hello Marisol, Hailey, and Travis. Nice seeing you here. I was just getting Harry a present." I said "So it's true. Harry Potter is going to Hogwarts! Can we see him?!" Hagrid said "Yea, of course! He's in Ollivanders Wand Shop." We ran right out and to Ollivanders shop. We saw Harry and we walked in. Harry said "Um hello. I'm Harry Potter." Hailey said "So it's true! You're the boy who lived and you're going to Hogwarts." Harry said "Yea and I didn't know I was that famous for something that happened." Travis said "Of course you'd be famous. You survived you know who." Then we heard Ollivander say "Ah I was wondering when I'd meet you Harry Potter, Marisol Scamander, Hailey Dial, and Travis Skerven." We saw him bring a few wands down for us to try and it didn't go so right. I got two more that weren't right and then I got one and it felt so right. It was a Sycamore wood with a Dragon heartstring core, 12 ½". Ollivander said "That one has a brother from the same Dragon heartstring." I said "Who has the other one?" Ollivander said "No other than Draco Malfoy." He gave Hailey her next one and she said "This one feels wonderful! What type is it?" Ollivander said "This one is a Hazel wood with a Dragon heartstring core, 12 ½"." Hailey said "Cool!" Then Travis got his and it was red oak wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13". Then lastly Harry got his wand and then there was like a breeze around us. Ollivander said "Very curious." Hailey said "What's curious sir?" Ollivander said "Well I remember everyone that I ever sold a wand to. That Phoenix feather that's in your wand also gave another feather to one other. It's just curious on how you have been destined to have this one when it's brother gave you that scar." Harry said "Who owned that wand?" Ollivander said "We do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why but it's clear that we expect great things from you. He who must not be named did great things terrible but great." Once he handed Harry his wand he walked back to the front desk. There was a knock on the window and it was Hagrid. He held up a snow owl. He looked so happy but we had to leave. So we said bye to them. Once we got home we all hung out.  

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