Getting ready and getting dressed(Travis's POV)

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Travis's POV~

Today is the day. Today is the celebration. Maybe today I'll ask Elton out. I got up at 6 so I could get ready for breakfast. I got up before Elton which is good because I need to start a plan. I changed and went to the . I am excited! I started to pet Shadow as he purred. I wrote a plan down in my notebook so I could show it to Hailey and Marisol. Once everyone got up and changed we all left for breakfast. I talked with Elton on the way over. We talked about the party later today. I said "Is there anyone you want to take to the party." Elton said "Maybe I am. Why?" I said "Just wondering that's all." I saw Hailey and Marisol walking with the group. I told Elton "Hey save me a seat. I need to talk with Hailey and Marisol quick." Elton said "Ok." I ran over to Marisol and Hailey. I sat next to them and Hailey said "Hey Travis." Marisol said "Hey granddad." I said "Hey guys. I have a plan on what to do." Hailey said "What is it?" I handed them a piece of paper and said "Look at it and I'll see you guys after breakfast." They said "Ok. Bye." I walked back to Ravenclaw's table and I sat next to Elton. Elton said "Hey what did you want to ask them?" I said "Umm....Just talking about who their taking to the party." Elton said "Oh ok. Do they know who they're taking?" I said "No not yet. Are you going with anyone?" Elton said "I don't know yet. How about you?" I said "I want to ask someone to the party but I don't know if I'll be rejected or not. I'm nervous about asking them." Elton said "That makes sense. Who ever you're asking maybe they'll say yes. You shouldn't be afraid." By then breakfast was over and Elton went to hangout with some other friends he made. I went to talk over the plan with Marisol and Hailey. We sat by the water fountain. Hailey said "So you want to ask Elton to the party?" I said "Yes...Also maybe ask him out as well." Marisol said "So you need help and you're also asking him out during it?" I said "Yea...That's the plan." Hailey said "When are you going to ask him?" I said "Maybe in an hour." Marisol said "Or maybe right now." I said "What do you mean?" Marisol said "Well Elton's walking over here." I looked behind me to see Elton waving to me. I waved back nervously and turned around. I said "Guys I'm nervous. What if he doesn't want to go with me." Hailey said "There's nothing to worry about. He'll accept trust us." Marisol said "Yea. You can do it Granddad. Have fun." They got up and walked away maybe to find Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I said "Wait...Don't leave me guys." I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Elton. I blushed and said "Hi, Elton. How are you? Umm....What are you doing here? I thought you were going to hangout with your friends." Elton said "I did hangout with them. I wanted to hangout with you. I was also wondering if you asked your person out yet. So...Did you?" I said "No but I'm about ask." Elton said in a sad voice "Oh ok. Then I'll go....Bye." Before he could go I grabbed his wrist and said "Umm...Actually you're the person I wanted to ask. So would you like to go to the party later with me?" Elton turned around and said "Yea..Of course! I'd love to go with you!" We hugged and we walked around together. I saw Hailey and Marisol talking to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ben. They waved at me and Elton as we walked over to them. I told them what happened and they were happy for me. I found out that Harry, Hermione, and Ron were going together and Marisol and Ben were going together. Hailey has no one to go with. Oh well. It was time for boys and girls to split to get outfits. I can't wait. I went with Elton, Harry, Ron, and Ben. We all went to a place to get suits. I got a black suit and my Ravenclaw tie. Elton got a black suit with a white shirt and his Ravenclaw tie. Ron got a black suit as well with a white shirt and his Gryffindor tie. Harry got the black suit with a white shirt and his Gryffindor tie. Then Ben had a black suit with a red shirt and his Gryffindor tie. We were aloud to walk around and eat. So after we walked around and ate. After we ate we climbed a tree and relaxed until we saw Draco and his gang walk up to us. Draco said "So is it true Ben?" Ben said "Is what true..Malfoy." Draco said "Is it true that you asked Mudblood Scamander to the party later?" Ben said "Don't call her a mudblood and I did ask her to go with me. Do you have a problem with that?" Draco said "You should've picked someone else instead of a mudblood like Scamander." Ben said "Why does it matter to you? If I knew any better I'd say that you like her." I see Ben smirk. Draco starts stuttering and he said "N-NO! W-Why would I like someone like her!" His face was red and he just walked away mad. Once they left the area we laughed. We were soon called by the professors to get dressed because we were meeting the girls over there. So we changed and got ready to leave.

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