Growing up

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If there's one thing that every soul learns before they can even create basic sentences, is that souls do not age like normal living people.
For normal souls, the souls of people that had once passed in the world of the living, they don't age and change much.
Souls that were sent to the soul society as very young infants, age and change significantly before freezing for several years after hitting maturity.
Souls born within the soul society grow at what would be considered normal as 10 years in the soul society is 1 year to the world of the living. Again though souls also within this category stop ageing once they hit maturity and it slows down significantly.

Soul Society, District 1: Junrinan, 110 years ago

In the quiet town of Junrinan of district 1 was a small shack, in front of the shack stood a tall beautiful tree, and underneath that tree, stood a small child, a small child with blazing white hair and huge teal eyes. The child was dressed in a plain small gray kimono.
Now if anyone just looked at the child they would believe the child wasn't even old enough to be standing, or crawling or out of nappys (Diapers), the child looked too small and frail for him to be able to do that.

Inside the hut the child calls home called an old tired voice "Toshiro, come in now! It's time for dinner" the child, Toshiro glanced out at the street and then at the sky before walking into the hut, walking better then what most children at least 2 years older then him would "what are we having for dinner tonight granny?" Toshiro asked as he sat down on a cushion, placed by a low dinner table.
The old woman from before, with her gray hair on a bun, walked over to Toshiro and placed a small bowl of rice in front of Toshiro "rice again, little one, now be careful and don't make a mess, then we will get you ready for bed" she said as she sat down to her own food, a bowl just a little bigger then Toshiros.
The child happily and quietly munched away at his food finishing really quickly "Granny? Tomorrow can I go out, I heard of this place by some people walking past and I want to explore it?" The child said with such innocence to the old lady, a large smile on his face as he waited for the answer.
His granny thought for only a moment and answered after finishing the rest of her food "yes" the child jumped up and started clapping happily at the answer with such child like giddiness "but! Only if you wash the dishes tonight" Granny finished and watched as the toddler in front of her pouted but nodded, grabbing both the now empty bowls before heading out of the hut and to the little stream behind the house as he began cleaning them.
He came back a few minutes later and put the bowls away before diving into his bed.
His bed being like his granny's bed, a blanket to lie on, on the ground, a blanket folded over several times to be a pillow and another thin blanket to cover himself with. The child looked excited but now very tired as his bed time grew nearer "GoodNight granny" he mumbled before falling asleep, dreaming of the next day to come.

One day later

The small child slowly roused from his sleep, as the sun shone through the curtains of the window of the sitting area which was also their bed room. Slowly the child got up and rubbed his eyes slowly before realisation crossed his face "I can go exploring now" he said happily and he quickly got up and went to ran out the door of his 'house'
"Toshiro" the old lady suddenly called out to the toddler, causing him to slow down to a walk, just out the door "before you go, wash and brush your teeth" was all the old woman said, not moving from her spot on her cushion "I will granny" he replied before going to the river from the night before and brushed his teeth before cleaning his face. Doing so as quick as he could before running to where he heard the others talking about before.

Slowly Toshiro slowed down once reaching a field, the field full of circle and spherical objects, green and yellow in colour. Slowly he approached the objects before lightly pushing his ear to it curiously and tapping it, hearing a somewhat hollow sound from it.
He smiled a dazzling smile before picked one if the circle things, struggling a little he began walking the field to go home and investigate the object further.
Suddenly the child tripped dropping the object and scrapping his knees in the process, tears welling up in his eyes, he held his sore knees before looking at what he tripped over, blinking as he saw a girl, lying on the ground, covered in dirt and scratches, slowly Toshiro stood up and went up to her, the object forgotten "hey miss, are you okay?" The child asked as he lightly shook her. Slowly the girls once closed eyes opened up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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