The Temple

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Inside the helicopter's cabin, Henrik and Scinos strapped into their seat belts, then Scinos promptly fell asleep. When he woke up, Scinos blearily looked around the small cabin. He turned to his left and saw Henrik happily dozing on the chair next to him.
Scinos leaned forward to look what the pilot was doing. She slowly rotated some knobs, and punched in some numbers. Scinos looked out the windshield and saw the Sobrono jungle. A few miles away was the temple, stony and overgrown. Scinos tapped on the pilot's shoulder. She turned and asked,"I thought you were sleeping."
Scinos replied, "How long until we land?"
"About two minutes. Wake up your friend, would you? You guys are going to parachute out. I'll pick you up on the ground in two hours." The pilot said.
Scinos leaned back to find Henrik awake. He said, "We're landing in two. Are you ready?"
Henrik laughed."Yeah. Here."
Henrik tossed Scinos a small bag. Scinos caught it, then opened it. Inside was a small wooden rod, a canister of sleeping gas, and a metal, two-pronged stick that read, "Danger! Electric Shock!" in bold letters. Scinos grabbed the wooden rod and shook it. As if it was exploding, the two ends of the rod fired out and made a six foot long staff. One end smacked Henrik in the face, and a purple bruise was already there. The other end smashed into the window and created a small crack. The pilot turned around and yelled,"Be careful, you clumsy fool! Solomon will be very angry with you when he hears about this! "
Scinos sheepishly recounted what had happened, and the pilot smirked. She replied, "Well, kids, we're at the drop zone. Get ready to jump."
With that, the door opened and the two boys strapped their parachutes on, then they jumped off the craft. The parachutes opened with a snap, and Henrik and Scinos landed softly on the in a clearing in the trees. They stuffed the parachutes in their bags, and started walking through the forest. The walk was long and hard, and they slogged through the dirt in silence. Before long, they saw their first cannibals. They were searching for something, and grunting and making animal noises. They carried spears, and had cloth wrapped around their waists. Henrik and Scinos ducked behind a bush, and snuck along the forest floor. The cannibals walked away, and Henrik released a breath. He looked around, then scaled a nearby tree. He looked around, and saw more cannibals. Henrik jumped to the next tree, then dropped down into a crouch. He waved Scinos forward.
The temple was straight ahead. Henrik threw a rock and hit one old-looking cannibal in the head. He started grunting and clicked and pointed at a younger man. They started jostling, and soon all of the cannibals were fighting each other. During this brawl, Scinos ran towards the temple. He slowly ascended the mossy steps, then entered and saw the relic. It was dark blue and looked like a fountain. It was beautiful.
Scinos grabbed it with one gloved hand and stuffed it into the special bag. He started walking out, and bumped into a priest. The priest had a headdress of human teeth and had paint all over his face. He looked like he didn't want anyone stealing the sacred relic. The priest held a staff, decorated with animal bones and skulls. Scinos quickly reached into his bag and snatched out the staff. The priest swung at his head, and Scinos dodged the blow, then shook the staff. Both sides exploded out, one side catching the priest in the stomach and the other missing Scinos's hip by a few inches. The priest flew out of the temple and bounced down the steps. Scinos ran down the stairs and tripped over the priest's unconscious form. Henrik slid across the ground, tearing his jacket. The priest's staff snapped when he landed on it, and all the cannibals turned to look at him.
When the staff cracked, Henrik winced and peered up from the bush. All the cannibals were staring at Scinos, and they looked angry. Henrik decided to shock the chief with the electric prongs. He snuck up behind the group and turned the device on, then lobbed it towards the group. It struck a few, and the ones that were hit twitched on the ground. All of the remaining cannibals, including the chief, turned to look at him.

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