First Mission

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Henrik rushed out of the Cafe de la Cruz, bursting with excitement. Henrik had just eaten breakfast and was now was jogging back home. As he ran, his neon blue sneakers slapped against the pavement. He was ready to go on his first mission with his roommate, Scinos. They had to search in a tropical jungle in Colombia for an ancient relic called the Isela, and a helicopter would meet them at the penthouse of the apartment building were they lived, also owned and lived in by their boss and guardian, Solomon Erlion.
He headed towards DNA Towers, the name of the apartment complex and where he and his roommate, Scinos, lived. The apartment complex towered over him. It was an imposing building, shaped like a DNA strand. It was made of see-through white glass and opaque blue glass for the apartments.
He was carrying back some food for Scinos, who, when he last checked, was happily dozing on the couch in the apartment. They were both twelve years old, with Henrik the elder by two months. Henrik had received a call from their boss, Solomon. He told them to meet him at his penthouse.
The elevators were made of glass and glided up the sides of the double helix. Henrik jumped in the first elevator and pressed the button that read twenty-three, and in no time, arrived at the 23rd floor. He exited the elevator and walked along the hallway. He slid his keycard in the lock and opened the door. Scinos was sleeping on the couch, and he had a book lying on his chest. Their apartment was messy, Clothes were strewn around the floor and the room smelled like dirty socks. Henrik dumped the take-out bag on Scinos's belly. Scinos winced, then sluggishly said, "I'm awake, I'm awake. What is it this time?"
Henrik almost hit his friend again. "A mission, you lazy slug! Get up, or we'll miss the helicopter that will be arriving in ten minutes. We don't want to be late, do we?"
Their boss was notorious for punishing agents who were late. If they were late to a rendezvous, he would order the person who was picking them up to leave and fend for themselves. Scinos lifted himself off the sofa and grabbed black clothes, with rugged pants and a jacket, and walked into the bathroom to change. Henrik found his favorite jacket and grabbed a bag containing gear he had just been given, a few days earlier, to be ready for the mission. The gear included: A small wooden rod that grew to six feet if shaken, a metal two-pronged tuner-shaped object that emitted an electric shock, and a sleeping gas canister. He finished stuffing their gear in two backpacks, then walked out of the door and called the elevator. In no time, the glass doors of the elevator opened and Henrik stepped in, then punched in the code to the penthouse. The elevator shot towards the sky. A few seconds later, it arrived at the penthouse, and Henrik stepped into the large living room.
Scinos quickly finished getting dressed, then jogged out of the bathroom and exited through the front door, then sped after his friend.
In no time, Scinos met Henrik, who was staring at the different pristine relics and artifacts displayed around the room. Everything glittered, including the chairs and the TV. Solomon arrived out of a side room, holding his phone to his ear. He gestured for Henrik and Scinos to sit down, then ended the call. Solomon was about forty years old, by Henrik's estimation. He had silvery-blue eyes and a shock of black hair with silvery hairs littering his sideburns that went down to the bottom of his ears. His nose was almost perfect, and his eyes glittered with an ethereal radiance. He smiled, and that made Henrik and Scinos want to be his friend. A split-second later, he turned into stern businessman. "You're early. I didn't expect you for..." Solomon glanced at his black, heavy-duty watch. "Thirty-five seconds. Okay, about your mission. I have heard from one of my informants that cannibals in the Sobrono Forest in Colombia have been worshipping a relic that has the power to create water springs. Unless my robot hasn't told you what it is called, it is named Isela. It is kept in a temple of the Sun God Coulata, and it must be put in a special sack, or the curse will be unleashed. I have tried other combinations of agents, but no one seems to work as well together as you two, because you have been training together since you were six. So, first you need to get into the temple without getting noticed. Put the relic in the bag, and return to the helicopter. The helicopter will wait for two hours, then the pilot will assume you are dead. Agreed?"
Scinos and Henrik both nodded. They headed up the stairs to the roof, and saw the helicopter getting ready to leave. They hopped into the helicopter.

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