Chapter 17

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"I believe she's being held by a man who goes by the name 'the Master.' He's been wanted by the governments of more than a handful of countries for years now."

"Why? What does he want?"

The shadows on Mister Strange's face grow darker as he takes a deep breath.

"He's been linked to human trafficking operations all over the world. Little is known about him, but it's rumored that he's someone who's very well known by the public and that he keeps a small... 'collection' of his favoured 'companions.'"

Hearing that just makes the pit in my chest and stomach grow darker.

"Do you think maybe..?"

I don't have to finish my sentance as he nods. "Yes. I think he's keeping her."

I don't know how to feel about that.

"We'll do everything we possibly can to find her." Mister Strange puts a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

I turn, hugging him for a moment as tears form in my eyes.

I pull away and wipe at my eyes frustratedly.

"I'm going to try another spell, but I think you should try and get some rest. You haven't slept at all and you'll be no use in any sort of mission if you're noding off every five seconds."

I chew my lip and nod. "Promise you'll call me if anything comes up?"

"I promise."


I pretend to still be asleep when the bed shifts and the man's let out of the room in the morning.

There's a lump in my throat and I feel soo ashamed of what happened. It's like the very first time playing over again and all I can do is hide under the comforter and wish I could be able to disapear.

If I could choose any superpower right now, that would be it. Invisibility.

The door opens shortly after and then someone else sits on the edge of the bed.

"I missed you, kitten. You were always my favourit."

I sigh and pull the blankets down from my face, looking up at the Master's surprizingly youthful apearance. But I know that he's much older than he apears; probably in his early sixties now.

He places his hand down on my thigh, but I draw away from him.

"Where did you get that gorgeous necklace and gloves?" He asks, motioning to the only three objects that had been left on my body.

"A friend." I whisper, feeling a wave of sadness crash through me.

"You made friends awefully quick." He gives me a look of sympathy. "That doesn't surprise me. You're so easy to love. I'm sorry that I can't give you that here."

I stare down at the gloves, running my fingers along the material.

"I'm sorry that you don't like it here." He continues. "But you could've told me before running off like that."

"I have told you." My voice is soo small. "I have and you didn't listen."

"You know daddy's a very buisy man." He replies softly. "Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to everything."

I look away, tears welling up in my eyes. This is soo messed up. But I can't help but feel guilty for leaving him.

"I'm sorry." I bunch the blankets up over my bare chest. "Please forgive me?"

"I forgive you, kitten." He replies in a gentle tone as a tear slips down my cheek. He wipes it away. "Don't cry. You're here now. That's what matters."

"I won't ever be allowed to see them again, will I?" I ask, my voice becoming strained as the realization dawns on me.

"I'm afraid not, kitten." He looks away sadly. "But it's for the best. They would've only hurt you in the end."

More tears escape.

"I know it hurts. If there's anything I can do to make it better let me know, okay?" Again he places a hand on my thigh; squeezing before he stands up.

"May I see the stars?" I ask before he leaves.

"What was that, kitten?"

"The stars..." my heart drops. "I feel better when I watch them. Would I be allowed to see them again?"

"Perhaps in due time. After you've fasted and earned back my trust."

I sniffle and wipe at my eyes as the Master leaves.

I get up and get dressed; gathering my clothes which had been disguarded in just about every corner of the room.

Then I sit with Peter's sweater balled up and clutched to my chest, burrying my face in it in hopes that maybe this is just some terrible nightmare.

Spiders And Stars // Peter Parker/Spider-Man FanficWhere stories live. Discover now