Prologue: Rise of General Tartarus

Start from the beginning

"However, your body nearly sustained fatal wounds, when we found you-" The Alien was then interrupted by Adam.

"Wha? W-who are you!?" Adam exclaims.

"Oh, my apologies. I am San Hill, Chairman of the intergalactic banking clan." San Hill introduces himself. He is a male Muun and the Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, a typical member of his species, he was more at home in business, politics and intrigue than on the battlefield.

"B-banking Clan? I-intergalactic? Wha-What are you talking about?" Adam said, confused on the situation he is in.

First he had a near death experience in a train that exploded, taking him aswell during the fight with the Atlasean Spider Droid. Next he woke up with most of his body destroyed and now he is in some sort tube that's keeping him alive and here he is literally talking to an Alien.

"Hm... And judging from your confusion tone, I believe you don't know who we are, do you not?" San Hill asked.

Adam remained silent, as he continues to stare at San with confusion.

"Hm... also those horns..." He pointed at Adam's horns, to which Adam narrows his eyes at the Alien. "...from what our scanners shows, there hasn't been species of human with animal trai-"

"Human!?" Adam's face morph into a visage of pure rage. "You dare call me a human!?" Adam snarled as he to glare at the Muun.

"Well, obviously you're human are you not? Unless you've been experimented by some scientists-"

"You dare call me an Experiment!? I'll let you know one thing. I. AM. NOT. HUMAN!!" Adam shouted, which catches the Muun's interest.

"Oh... if you're not human, then what are you? Because from the galactic records, there hasn't been any records or data about a species of humans born with animal traits." San said truthfully.

He then walks up to the bacta tank and stares at Faunus.

"So tell me, who are you? What you are? And where are you from?" San said, as he stares intensely at the Faunus.

"Why would I tell you?" Adam retorted, with narrowed eyes.

"Hmm? Why? This is new information ofcourse, humans born with animal traits is unheard of, and we don't know what type of species you are... and beside I already introduced myself to you." San reasoned.

Adam was silent and hesitant to tell him, but he spoke.

"My name... is Adam Taurus, I'm a Faunus... a bull Faunus, a member of the White Fang." Adam introduces himself.

"See now that's not hard, now tell which planet are you from?" San asked.

This question caught Adam off-guard.

"P-planet?" Adam gasped in shock.

"Yes, and if you're wondering where we are, you are in Geonosis, a desert planet owned by Geonosisians." San Hill explains.

Adam was shock, learning that he was no longer in Remnant, but in another planet no less.

"Hmm and I believe from your shock expressions, your planet never experienced space travel yet, yes?" San asked.

"So you adducted me from Remnant, so you could use me as your lab rat!?" Adam said in anger.

"So that's what your planet is called... Remnant... never heard of a planet named Remnant, though that's a weird name. And I would like to point out that we didn't adduct you, we just found you in the surface of Geonosis, close to our base."

General TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now