Ten Years without You

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Staring out his window Adrien Agreste looked at his city with sickening pride. It had been a few years since his father was arrested for being Hawkmoth and his assistant being arrested for being Mayura too. Which had left Adrien broken and shattered. Even though Gabriel was arrested Adrien was still left with the company's money and fortune. He grew cold an dark his heart was no longer pure and so Master Fu stole his miraculous from Adrien. A new Chat Noir rose up and it left Adrien mad and Phycopathic. The one thing that kept his heart warm was the fact that Ladybug had gone into hiding and was looking for her Chat Noir. Even if she had put his father in jail she still owned his heart. Over the years of isolation and working he had grown out his hair all the way down to his shoulders. His green eyes were eyes that no one dared to look into. He always wore black and gold. A bright purple pin on his black tie.

The light purple butterfly kwami sitting on his shoulder looked worried for his holder as he smiled wickedly. Suddenly the door opened and a white man in all black walked in. Nooro flew into Adriens tux as Adrien turned to speak with the man. The smile never leaving his face.

"Did you find her?" He asked to the man.

"Yes Sir she fell for our trap. We told her that we have Chat Noir and she came to us. We were able to take her down. She's in the basement waiting for you." The man smoothly responded.

"Wonderful I'll be down in a minute. I have to grab something first."

"Of coarse Sir!" The man replied and walked out of the room. Leaving Adrien alone with Nooro.

"Master? What does he mean her?" The tiny butterfly kwami asked. He watched as his master reached for a black box along with another white box.

"Nothing Nooro now come we have a lady waiting for us.~" He said as Nooro flew into his pocket. The elevator ride was long as the building is very tall and having an office at the top and all. Everyone in the building knew what a miraculous was and that their boss owned some of them. No one dared defy Mr. Agreste as if they did they would disappear the next day. The elevator stopped at the basement floor and He stepped out. There she was the love of his Life chained up by her wrist and dangling. Her hair had grown longer, she wore a fuzzy black jacket and black shorts with a black bra. Her eyes were closed and his heart was the only thing he could hear.

Grabbing his assistance by her faux jacket he hissed out a question while the assistant smiled at her bosses blushing fury.

"Where are her clothes Lila?!"

The liar giggled and her fox tail Miraculous bounced along with Lila's body. Adrien did go mad after his father had been thrown in jail. It got worse when his ring had been stolen, but when Lila came to him as a friend that his father had made sure kept him safe. The two became like brother and sister. Adrien learned that Lila had been a pupil of his fathers Learning to take over the peacock Miraculous but she refused as Adrien had gotten her a gift to thank her for being there. The Fox Miraculous was not easy to steal from Alya but yet still fun to see the hurt in his supposed friends eyes. Lila learned from Adrien that Ladybug was what kept him going. She didn't like Adrien as anything other than a brother. The whole class turning on Marinette was just a fun little phase for the Liar. For years they worked together on trying to hunt down the miraculous guardian and get back at the old man for making Adriens life hell. Also for taking away his chance to be with the love of his life. Adrien had been replaced and mocked by the new Chat Noir who looked like a freakin gay ass brunette. But when the world expected Ladybug to fall in love with the new Chat Noir and fight the new butterfly terrorist she refused telling the new black cat she saw him as nothing but a stupid replacement that Fu thought she wouldn't care about. She had actually confessed on live television that she had been in love with the old Chat Noir and that she wouldn't fight unless it was with him and only him. Lila and him were having a nice little brunch when the news went live which had captured Adriens attention. Seeing it all unveiled in front of him he tried to kiss the ladybug on TV desperate to be in her arms.

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