Chapter 1: Hand Shake

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It was the middle of the night, and Harry hadn't slept at all. No matter what he did, sleep didn't come, even potions weren't helping keep the terrible flashbacks of that time at bay. The nightmares made him sweat and shake vigorously, Ron thought he was being possessed. The same reoccurring dream of Voldemort, all the panicked faces, his friend's sadness, he even thought about the Room of Requirement and how he saved Draco, he could feel the guilt radiating off him as he clutched onto Harry with his life.

Harry bolted upright and reached for his glasses, the room became a lot clearer. Everyone's beds were empty, curtains still shut so only a faint glow covered the room.
Drawing back the drapes and letting the morning sun warm him up, Harry could tell it was early morning and everyone was at breakfast. Last night was the first years sorting ceremony, but Harry skipped to be isolated from his friends.
Wiping the sweat from his forehead and pushing his hair out his eyes, he got up and changed into his familiar Griffindor robes, and heading for the great hall hoping he hadn't missed breakfast.

He hurried along the corridors, a sick feeling in his stomach that he'd find the place destroyed like it was the night of the battle. Pushing the thoughts away, he turned the corner rapidly only to bump into a student, his glasses flying off his face.
The sudden shock of impact shook the sick feeling away, as he hurried for his glasses to see the student. He was a tall, slender man with a crop of platinum blonde hair smoothly brushed on his head, grey eyes far too familiar.
"Mind where you're walking," Malfoy said, clutching his stomach as if he'd just seen the bloody baron.
"You were in my way," Harry replied as he rushed off, wanting to avoid any sort of conversation with Malfoy.

Keeping his eyes to the floor, he reached the Great Hall entrance and immediately felt the heavy sting of students eyes weighing him down as he made his way to his seat by Ron and Hermione's side.
"Bloody hell mate, you look terrible!" Ron mentioned, earning a death stare from Hermione.
"Thanks, Ron." Harry reached for a goblet of pumpkin juice. Although he was worried about missing breakfast, Harry wasn't hungry, after the battle he thought he'd never be able to eat again, he rarely had food and when he did it wasn't much, but he was staying healthy enough by drinking plenty of liquids.
His head rung like crazy, a high humming sound he was unsure of.
"Harry?" He thought he heard but the sound was so loud, like an old kettle going off. The sound made him feel dizzy, almost lost, until a warm hand held his. "Harry..." he heard again, this time a lot clearer. Looking up from his goblet, Hermione's worried face stared at Harry.
Ron has a concerning look in his eyes but still managed to shovel his breakfast down.
"Maybe you should visit Madame Pomfrey, she could give you something to stop the nightmares," Hermione suggested, but the look on Harry and Ron's faces told her it wasn't the best idea.
"He's already done that, twice actually," Ron mentioned, taking a huge bite from his bread.
Hermione sighed, and retracted her hand from Harry's to read her book, "Keep thinking positively, they will go away I know it-"
"How can I think positively when I am reminded of all the people that died because of what happened here!" Harry shouted, people on their benches turned around to see what was going on. He let his breathing go back to normal, "I'll see you both first period." He got up and left, feeling the burning sensation of students watching him as he made what felt like a walk of shame out the Great Hall.

The courtyard was almost empty, only a few students were dotted around reading or doing homework. Harry found an empty stone bench and laid down on it, hoping his pounding headache would disappear before class.
As if on cue, Harry sensed a bad vibe coming from behind him, as he turned to look he saw the boy from earlier dressed in his green robes and holding multiple books.
"What now Malfoy?" Harry said, readjusting his position on the bench.
"Can I sit?" He replied in a genuine tone that Harry wasn't used to.
"Did someone hit you over the head? Or are you serious?" He rubbed his head. The headache was still sharp and Harry didn't want Malfoy teasing him and making it worse.
Without answering, Draco sat down anyway and stared at the ground, "I hear you've been having nightmares," he said to break the tension.
"You heard, or you've been stalking me?" Harry chuckled, and for the first time, he heard Malfoy laugh too.
"I haven't slept either,"  He said, fiddling with his books.
"I see that." Harry pointed out the bags under Dracos eyes.
There was a silence, not awkward but still and calm silence. Up close, Harry noticed more than the tiredness in his eyes but the paleness in his face (more than normal) and how skinny he had become.
"After the battle... I promised myself that I'd try to be a decent person," Draco mentioned. This shocked Harry; Draco Malfoy, the boy who made it his duty to ruin the lives of as many students as possible is now changing his ways.
"Are you sure you are feeling okay?" Harry joked.
He laughed again, "Yes, and as a start, I thought I would make peace with you."
Harry paused, his heart felt heavy but he couldn't figure out why, "that's funny..."
"I don't remember falling into an alternate reality where you are actually willing to be nice to me." They both laughed hard, and Draco playfully hit him which made Harrys heart race faster than before.
"Can you be real with me for like one second?" He asked, clear that his patience was wearing out.
Instead, Harry stood up, dragging Malfoy with him. He stuck out one hand, "Let's shake hands, and all that happened in the past will be history."
Hesitantly, he shook Harry's hand then picked up the books from the bench and began to walk away. He stopped, and looked back at Harry, smiled, then continued to walk to his classes, and Harry felt like he had finally made the progress he had been wanting to make since 3rd year, when he gained a liking to Draco.

Sorry this first chapter was crap but it's my first work so I'm hoping that can be my excuse.

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