Blue is my favorite color

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She had never been more excited, the boy with the blue eyes and dark hair had asked her to homecoming; in front of EVERYONE! She could've sworn he only liked her as a friend, it was almost blatantly obvious. But maybe he did like her, maybe this is the way he's trying to show her. She stepped out of her mom's car in a dress as blue as his eyes and the ocean at the same time. He was waiting for her, in a black tux complete with a white shirt and a blue bowtie. He smiled at her and she could've sworn her heart stopped. No matter what happened tonight, she promised herself she would not cry; now she was scared she'd go back on her promise as boys with blue eyes always got her in trouble. She'd noticed him the first day of ninth grade, if you'd asked her about him as soon as she met him, she might've slipped up and told you he was "so freaking cute" but a year later she felt like he was 'off limits' because of his ex. The fact that he was still super close with her didnt help either. In the time she'd gotten to know him they'd become friends, not super close or anything - considering SHE was always around him the girl didnt stand a chance of getting close to him- but still a friendship. Her thinking was interrupted when a hand was being waved in front of her face and her name was called, "onna! Helloo?"

"Oh, sorry, what were you saying?" She asked.

"I was asking if you wanted to get our picture taken first, you know, before we dance." He responded smiling at her slightly lost expression.

"Oh, yeah that would probably be the best idea, you know, before I ruin my makeup and you run away screaming bloody murder." She laughed, he however did not.

"You are beautiful with and without makeup, you know." He told her seriously. After both attempting to be serious for two minutes they both started laughing.

"Oh god that was hilarious!" She laughed, "Me? Beautiful?" She laughed harder.

He grabbed her hands in his, "Hey, I wasn't joking about that part, you are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met. Please don't believe otherwise. Now come on, let's go take pictures!"


As they stood in the line she realized he hadn't let go of her hand and instead interlaced their fingers together. She smiled and squeezed his hand, he smiled and winked at her then squeezed her hand back. They took formal pictures then asked people to take silly pictures of them on their phones. When they were done the entered the cafeteria, it was dark with some light, a balloon canopy, tables, a DJ -obviously- and a snack table in the back. They stood awkwardly next to each other until one of their friends pushed them both into the area that the dancing was happening, from there they just talked and laughed. They continued their conversation until one of her favorite dancing songs played, she then smiled and grabbed his hand so he could do it with her. After dancing to "Cupid shuffle", "Wobble", the "Turbo hustle", the "Cha Cha Slide", and even the "Macarena", they were tired and sat down. Five cookies and two cups of lemonade later they were dancing again. While dancing a show song came on, this was a rare occurrence so it was obviously suggested. She thought he'd want to sit down now but instead he grabbed her hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed it then asked her if she wanted to dance with him.

"Will you do me the honor of dancing with me?" He asked her with the half smile that he knew she loved.

"Me? You do know that this song is kind of romantic, right?" She replied unsure and giggled nervously.

"Of course I know, silly. That's why I asked you. I mean, you are my date, right?" He replied in a teasing manner, smile on his face, eyes bright but with a sense of fear in them.

"Yeah," she giggled, "I am. Let's dance then." She replied with a nervous but excited smile. He lead her back to the dance area that they'd somehow strayed away from during their conversation, and circled his arms around her waist, while her arms went around his neck.

"You know you're the most beautiful girl here, right? No other girl here looks half as stunning as you." He told her.

"Well I wouldn't go that far but thank you. You look very handsome yourself. Theres no one I'd rather be here with than you, if I'm being honest." She looked down at their feet as she said this, scared her eyes would give her feeling away.

He smiled and squeezed her waist in an attempt to get her to look at him, "Why are you embarrassed?" He asked her.

"I'm not, dont worry about it I'm fine." She smiled at him but he could tell there was something that she wanted to say. He waited in silence, not wanting to push her as believing that if she wanted him to know she would tell him. "Hey, I have a question. But I dont want to ruin the mood or anything," she said as she played her head against him, "Why did you invite me to the dance of all people? I know for a fact that there are people both Male and female that would have wanted to come with you. So why ask me?"

"Why'd you say yes?" He countered.

"I asked you first." She replied

"So?" He countered her counterargument with his half smile in place and eyes locked on hers. She was lost.

"Fine," she sighed, "I said yes because I maybe, kinda like you. Like a lot, but a little, but it's a lot. I dont think you feel the same and that's okay. But I really wanna know why you asked me because it's not like I'm the prettiest, or the smartest, or the nicest, or the quietest, or really even-" her rambling was cut short by his lips on hers. She relaxed from the tense position she'd taken up while ranting. He pulled her closer to him once he realized she wasnt going to pull away. She relaxed further against him and his hand took residence on her cheek, the other still on her waist and he pulled away. Both of them breathing heavy in feeble attempts to pull enough air into their lungs. Once they caught their breath he stared into her eyes which were mirroring the emotion the was so profound in his, "That's why I asked you. I like you, too." Suddenly she understood the emotion that was so deep in his blue eyes, and she loved what she saw.

The End

This is my first time writing and actually putting it out for other people to see so if you like it please vote, comment, and share. ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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