chapter 1

414 11 11

No one pov

(remember guys they wear clothes)

Sonic was sitting on his couch scared out of his mind. Why? His father Jules the hedgehog won't stop  abusing and raping him so he got his father in jail and ran away. His father got him pregnant because he didn't use protection, and he had enough of his father doing these things to him. But now Sonic is afraid that if Jules get's out of jail he's going to KILL him. Sonic was suppose to be going to club rouge with his friends to celebrate them beating doctor Eggman. AKA doctor ASSHOLE but he didn't go, he told his friends he'll think about it. His father was actually nice until they found Jules's wife DEAD. Egghead blamed it on Sonic and his father got angry. His sibling's were killed shorty after they had the funeral for his mom. Then that's when his father starting abusing him and raping him until he passed out and his father left him there. Sonic is so happy egghead is in jail with his father because if was still out of jail, Sonic would have killed him for killing his mother and siblings. Sonic now went up stairs to cut himself with his dagger, then he took a shower, cleaned up the blood, put his black skinny jeans on and a white button up shirt and his favorite sweater with his signature shoes and gloves, and finally he was out the door. He ran all the way to club rouge and when he got there he went inside there and got attacked by light's and music. He went over to the bar and found his crush sitting there with a drink in his hand. Also the other's where there to. Rouge had Omega cover for her while she and the other's went to a restaurant to eat. Sonic was quiet the whole entire time and everyone was worried, except Shadow of course. Shadow was brought there against his will.

Sonic pov

I was quiet the entire time because I was honestly scared. I didn't like being in the out doors. HE could be out there watching me. I used to be traumatized and I still am because of what happened in my childhood. (That's a story I will talk about later in the story) Everyone looked at me with confused looks on their faces because I looked around when I thought I heard something. Tails asked me "Are u okay Sonic, u have been quiet this whole entire time." I responded. "I'm fine" I said in a raspy and scared voice. Everyone was worried for me and they were surprised by my voice. I stood up and walked out the door without talking to the other's. I had to get sleep because tomorrow because I have to go to the doctors to have my baby. The other's didn't notice the hump on my stomach because I wore a lot of clothes to hide it. Well better get ready for the pain that's about to come. I go up stairs and change into my pajamas and go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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