Not really a chapter

338 9 17

Me: Hello guys, today i'm going to try writing a story ^^

Sonic and Shadow: (in sinc) FINALLY

Me: shut it before I erase u from existance (growls)

Sonic and Shadow: (gulps)

Me: anyway lets get on with the story 

Me: by the way in this story they wear clothes

Sonic and Shadow: NOOOOOOOOOOO

Sonic: why do we have to wear clothes

Shadow: yeah

Me: because I said so, now SHUT UP

Sonic: ok ok i'll Shut up 

Shadow: (signs) me too 

Me: now time to start SONADOW

Sonic and Shadow: YAYYYYYYYYY

Me: on with the story BYE~

Sonic and Shadow: BYE~

Me: WAIT, before I start the story shout out to 








Sonic: JUST GET ON WITH THE STORY (cover's mouth)

Me:(growls and chases after Sonic) GET BACK HERE

Shadow: oh no

Sonic:(runs away and screams) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

A BABY?!?! (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now