My owls

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Name: Viper

Nicknames?: Vip

Age: 10 moons

Gender: female 

Sexuality: Straight 

Personality: very outgoing, she isn't afraid to say what's on her mind

Mate: nope/open

Crush: nope/open

Owlets: nope/open

Guardian or Pure One?: Guardian 

Owl species: Barn owl

Armor looks: 

Armor looks: 

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Looks (the owl themselves):

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Looks (the owl themselves):

Backstory (optional): she was born to Diaik (Di- ack) and Rimbil (Rim- bill), she made the mistake most owlets do, fly before their ready, she was snatched up by Pure One patrols, being only four moons old, she could do anything to stop them at th...

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Backstory (optional): she was born to Diaik (Di- ack) and Rimbil (Rim- bill), she made the mistake most owlets do, fly before their ready, she was snatched up by Pure One patrols, being only four moons old, she could do anything to stop them at the time. She met a owl named Snooty, they became friends and made a plan to escape, after a few moons of planning, they where free. After flying for what felt like days, they had met an owl named Amber, the trio where all trying to find the great tree, and so, they did. Viper has been at the tree ever since, and is in the Battle claws chaw. She is the leader of the patrols usually

Family (required):

Father: Diaik

Mother: Rimbil

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