Teller Family Drama🎭

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"You go deal with your family drama we'll take care of this!

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"You go deal with your family drama we'll take care of this!.... this is our home turf Jax not yours so it would be best for you NOT to argue with me!"  Muerte tells Jax after he helps Rafi tie up the two surprisingly still living idiots that attacked a Mayan base of operations Jax looks up at her and nods then walks away "they're all yours dad!.... or should I call Happy!?!"  she says to her father who chuckles then replies with a smile "I can take care of it hija!"  she smiles and coos "of course you can!"  she kisses his cheek and walks out of the room Marcus chuckles shaking his head Diablo and Khan stay with Marcus but Demon goes with Muerte who went to go check up on her mom and little sister Demon goes straight over to Tessa and starts playing with her in his normal naturally gentle way making Diana smile as she watches them "if your ok mom I'm gonna go rest.... I may not have spent all that much time in the sun but the heat....!"  Muerte says softly Diana nods then kisses her daughters temple as she passes by her Muerte kisses her mother and sisters temple then leaves the room completely.... Muerte rides into Teller Morrow a hour or so later and sees Tara chatting with Eli "who told you someone made a threat?"  Tara asks "it was an anonymous tip"  Eli replies "well, I'm fine"  Tara says "are you sure? you seem a little unnerved"  Eli replies "rough surgery this morning"  Tara says "yeah, well, I hope they pulled through"  Eli replies "yes"  Tara says with a slight chuckle Muerte parks her Harley, climbs off then walks over to them taking her gun out of it's holster and placing it at her side as Eli tells Tara "we can help you you know that right?"  Tara replies "I appreciate that"  Eli asks "want me to leave a few of my men here?"  Muerte steps next to Tara and says "I believe she has already told you no Eli.... or at least it was implied!.... now.... if you wanna keep trying to have kids!"  Eli looks down and sees her gun pointed in the center of his pelvic bone "just like you cops do down at the station.... we protect each other no matter the cost!.... we're a family!.... you can stop your false sympathy act and leave!.... if I see even a shadow of one of your cars marked or unmarked along with any of your officers.... the next time you see it.... this gun will be loaded and pointed at your other head!"  Eli flashes his card at Tara "give us a call if you need anything okay?"  he pats Tara on the shoulder and stares at Muerte who stares right back she whispers in his ear as he passes "I know what you did!.... but do you have any idea what you have done!?!"  he looks at her strangely as he walks away and hears her say out loud "before you get it into your airy little head doc.... I didn't do that for you!"  then he hears her walk away from Tara and over to the others who were watching the show "I just came to pick up Rebel"  Muerte says she whistles and Rebel comes bounding out of the clubhouse "you missed all the fun boy!.... come on!.... we'll go have our own fun to make up for it!"  she coos to her pup as she kneels down before him and gives him some lovin Juice watches her with sad eyes not sure what he could do or say to make her forgive and come back to him Muerte stands up and starts to walk away Rebel looks at Juice then at her "that job is over!.... he's gonna have to protect himself now!"  Muerte says without turning around and Rebel follows her to her Harley then they climb in/on and drive off Juice grips each of his arms and squeezes them as he fights the tears that threaten to fall Chibs on the other hand rushes over to his Harley and follows her he could tell that there was a different reason than the norm as to why Muerte was being so dark with Juice and it worried him as he drove Chibs called Jax and asked him to meet him at the dog park it was the only place he could think of that Muerte would take Rebel Jax and Chibs walk up to Muerte as she sits under a large shady tree in the dog park and as soon as they sit down on either side of her she begins to tell them what she knows about Eli's "visits" the AUSA officer she despises, about Juice's father being black and Eli using it as leverage "he's going to be furious with me but I warned him!.... I told him what I was going to do!.... handle this however you wish!.... if you want to hide the fact that you know too.... make it look real.... even if it's in front of me!.... it has to be believable on both ends Jax!.... just.... look out for him!.... he's at a breaking point and he's losing what little of himself is left they are going to destroy him!.... tear him down inch by inch!.... all because they know the rule about black men in the club and with your stepdad pretending to be a stickler for the rules while breaking each one of them himself!.... it won't matter how long he's been in! what he has done for all you! you all will take one look at his dad's skin color and....!"  she says softly "shit!"  Jax whispers "Eli cares but I don't think he can do anything!.... Potter probably threatened him in some way or he signed a contract that he can't break.... I don't know!.... all I know is what it's doing to Juice and in turn doing to me.... I just got my strength back!.... I can't lose it again!.... I won't be sucked into that whirlpool of darkness!"  she adds both Chibs and Jax hug her "we'll figure it out"  Jax promises "oh.... those shooters.... they were hired by Lobo.... a brother and sister from Sonora were threatened.... if they didn't do what they were told what family they had left would have been killed.... no one got hurt so they were allowed to go back to their home they will be watched though!"  she tells them "from what I can tell I'm all Juice is gonna have left he's gonna need me and yet he's once again pushing me away and this time it has nothing to do with your mother and everything to do with them! I was ready to give him one last chance!.... see if we could get past all the past shit and his fear of what you will do to him and what they can do to you is changing that yet again!.... if this doesn't get fixed soon.... then I suppose we'll both be alone won't we!?!"  she asks then she stands up whistles for her pup who bounds over to her as she walks towards her Harley they get on and drive off....

A few minutes later Muerte gets a call from Chibs "he's gonna need you àlainn"  Chibs says "I tried to get him off the Cartel job and Clay gave him a Mayhem patch instead!"  he adds he hears her sigh and he says "I know!

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A few minutes later Muerte gets a call from Chibs "he's gonna need you àlainn Chibs says "I tried to get him off the Cartel job and Clay gave him a Mayhem patch instead!"  he adds he hears her sigh and he says "I know!.... I'm sorry nighean!"  she replies "it isn't your fault!.... we'll be right down!.... god I wasn't planning on joining the lockdown but you got me trapped!"  he chuckles and they hang up.... just as Juice was leaving the club he saw Muerte pull up with Rebel in his side car he jogs over to her and says angrily "you told them didn't you!?!"  she replies sarcastically "that you're exceptionally gay!?! yep I sure did!.... seeing that new patch in your hand it looks like they care a whole damn lot about it too!"  after a small pause she says "Chibs called me worried about you by it seems he was wrong!.... you don't need me so we'll just be going now!"  she restarts her Harley and hears Juice say in a soft worried tone as he reaches out for her "Muerte!.... no!.... I'm sorry!!.... don't leave!!"  she replies hotly "too late!"  then rides back out of Teller Morrow Juice jogs over to his Harley and follows her out.... "pull over!"  Juice calls over to Muerte as soon as he catches up to her she pretends to ignore him "Muerte please!"  he begs "caer bien querido!"  he whispers softly she looks over at him and sigh then finally pulls over and he pulls up next to her "I warned you that if you didn't I would! it isn't MY fault you ONCE AGAIN weren't listening! I told Chibs and Jax they promised to look out for you and keep up appearances Chibs tried to get you off the cartel job but Clay apparently opposed the idea! I know you Juice!.... I know how you are!.... how this is eating you up inside!.... twisting you.... turning you into someone I don't even recognize!.... you're worried about the clubs reaction....!"  she says "don't....! don't call me that!.... I HATE it when you call me that!!.... I know what it means and it hurts!"  he replies sadly with a broken hearted tone "and who's fault is that!?!.... I have done NOTHING to deserve what you have "given" me!! how you continue to treat me! shockingly enough Gemma stopped her lies why can't you finally see the truth!?! I've had PLENTY of times to go to Happy and yet I keep crawling my way back to you! if that doesn't tell you something then I don't know how I can make the message any clearer! maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment! first Tully now you! I should have chosen Happy he'd NEVER do the things YOU have done to me and yet.... I can't!! no matter how many times you have broken mine I can't bring myself to completely break yours and me going to Happy.... even though you basically gave me permission in some small way.... WOULD break your heart completely!!.... I deserve better than the pain you brought into my life! I was healing and you broke me yet again! your lucky dad hasn't tried to kill you for that! he's been more understanding than anything.... you owe him a thank you you know!?! he's not only put his own safety but mine as well in harms way just to save your sorry ass all because I practically BEGGED him too!! I can't believe you would be so heartlessly selfish! you're not the only one in pain you know!?!"  she replies with a soft angry tone his lips rush towards her and press up against hers and her back hits a nearby tree from the force he used to kiss her "I'm sorry!"  he whispers softly "prove it!.... not that I haven't given you enough chances to do so but this time.... stick with it!.... prove to me that your words aren't just words that they actually MEAN something!! you get ONE last chance.... don't blow it!!"  she replies she walks past him hitting his shoulder a little harder than she meant to as she does and climbs onto her Harley and drives away

 don't blow it!!"  she replies she walks past him hitting his shoulder a little harder than she meant to as she does and climbs onto her Harley and drives away

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