Chapter One: "Christmas Songs."

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Small, three year old Catra's eyes were glued to the white snow falling from the sky above. She longed to feel it's icy touch, to see all the unique patterns, to be apart of the winter wonder land in front of her. Her hands felt cold as they rested on the now foggy, window in front of her. Oh, the thought of being able to enjoy the weather made her chest ache, and her ears twitch. She sat there for quite awhile, just watching the snow before her. No words were said, no noises could be heard apart from the creaking of the wooden beams above. Catra's eyes felt heavy, and she let out a yawn. It seemed watching the snow made her very sleepy. And yet, she couldn't sleep. Something was saying that she had to stay awake. What it is, was unknown to Catra. That is until she looked up at the sky once more. The clouds now gone, the stars shining bright, and the Northern Star staring back at Catra's mixed colored eyes. Once again, the feeling of looking at her mother came back to her.  

She hated this feeling. She wanted it to leave her alone, but she knew that wasn't gonna happen. All she could do was stare into the star's bright light, and pray. She wasn't sure what was praying for exactly, but she had a good idea what it was. It was something she longed for more than anything. She wanted to say what it was, but no words would leave her mouth. Unknowingly to Catra, another young girl had trouble sleeping. Her feet were ice cold, and her arms were covered in goosebumps. Her blue eyes shot open as her blonde hair blew in her face from air draft in the room. She wipes her hair out of her face, and sits up right. Her feet dangling off the bed side. She sighs quietly, and turns her head to see Catra by the window. Confused, she gets up from her bed, and walks up to Catra, and places a hand on her shoulder, making Catra jump.

"EEP!"  Catra squealed. She turns around, and sees the girl pull her hand back. Catra relaxes.

"Adora, don't scare me like that." She whined.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see why you were at the window." Catra turns back to the window.

"Just looking up at the stars. But after awhile something strange happened." Adora raised a brow.

"What happened?"

"I saw this weird white stuff fall from the sky. It almost looked like sugar!" Adora smiles, and sits next to Catra, careful not to sit on her tail by mistake.

"Do you know what that white stuff is called?" Catra shook her head.

"It's called snow, Catra."

"Snow? What's that?" 

"Snow is like rain, but frozen, and forms crystals that then fall to the ground."  Catra's ears flicker slightly as her eyes light up.

"It looked so pretty, Adora. I wish you could have seen it." Adora only smiles.

"I've seen it before. I even walked in it with Shadow Weaver as we walked through town one Christmas."  Catra's head tilted her head in confusion.

"What's Christmas?" Adora's eyes widen in shock. How could she now know about such a holiday?

"You never heard of Christmas?"  


"I guess you never heard of any Christmas songs then." Catra bit her lip.

"What do they sound like?" Adora's smile soon returned as she grabbed Catra's hand off the window seal.

"Well, there's one called Jingle Bells." 

"How does it go?" Adora smiles wider and starts to sing the song quietly but loud enough for Catra to hear.

"Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way."

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