I'm Batman

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"Wow she wasn't kidding. There aren't any costumes here." The place looked like it was robbed. The only thing left behind was a couple of wigs, some spider rings and cheap crayon makeup.
I walked back to the counter and asked the guy with a pleading voice. "Do you guys really have nothing? Nothing at all? I will seriously take any thing, this is my favorite holiday!"
He shook his head no then changed his mind. "I'll go check in the back for something but I doubt it girl."
"Thank you!" You yelled as he walked away. You checked your watch and it read 7:53.
"Great, I barely have time to trick-or-treat. First I have to get home and do my makeup and get dressed but that's only if he finds something."
The guy came from the back and brought out a long blue and gold dress. It came with a golden curly wig and accessories like bracelets and golden hair decorations. It was perfect ! However the dress totally looked like an old lady should be wearing it. The dress was so drapery, and didn't look like it would cling to your body at all. Your butt would look so flat and don't get me started on the wig! Walking around hours and hours with a curly wig that looked like it weighed 45 pounds would definitely make you the scariest thing in the neighborhood. You would die from the heat!
"Uhm I can't return it after I open it can I?"
He shook his head no.
I left the store less than happy. Being a slutty vampire was more my style but old lady it was.

An hour later
Everything was on and to be honest I couldn't complain. Well the wig was scratching you but everything looked nice and shined too. Could this be a outfit belong to a Queen? You definitely looked like royalty. About to walk out my room I looked behind me and notice the bracelet. Usually I don't wear bracelets but this one was extremely beautiful so I couldn't resist.
"Okay! Time to get my trick or treat on!"

Loki dodged yet another Batman. He was surrounded by tiny DC charcters and couldn't wrap his head around it.
Did some terrible accident happen to the Midgardians? Did his curse finally work! He felt a tug on his pant leg.
"Trick or treat." It was tiny Superman.
Loki smirked down at the pitiful hero. "Kneel earthling. This pitiful disguise won't hide you from my wrath."
Luckily the parent swooped in and saved her child. "I'm sorry about that sir. He'll knock on a human like a door just to get candy." She laughed to herself and pushed her son along. Loki was terrified and confused. The lady had a gash in her head and blood all over her face.
"What happened to you Midgardian?"

Devil Girl / Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now