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"Lair!" She shouted, pointing at them, "You're saying that becuase you know you won't have to pay if he was the prince."

"Woah, woah. Clam down." Sero said, stepping in fron of Bakugo.

"Yes, please calm yourself. He really is the prince."

"Oh yeah? Prove it."


"Give me him."

"Hell no." He said jerking away from the girl.

"Then we won't help you."

"Why you dirty no good bit-"

"Clam, down. Clam, down." Kiri grinned, "Look I promise you he's a prince is there any other way we can prove it to you?"

"Hmm." She tapped her chin and thought about it, "Yeah, let me see his eyes."

"You want us to wake him up?"


"Now why the fuck would we do that?"

"To prove it."

"And if we say no?" Sero smirked.

"Me and my mom won't help you."

"Hey." Uraraka turned towards the girl, "Look at his hair. It's red, like the king's, and white, like his mom's."

"Hmm. Show me his magic. He should at least have his magic by now. Let's see, it should be fire of Ice."

"Your're real stupid."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Hey, hey. Bakugo chill out."


"Look I promise he's a prince."

"Hmm. I still don't believe you." She turned and walked into a room. When she came out there was a tall women with her, "Mom, is he really a prince?"

She took a look at him then gasped, "Jiro! Honey! How did you not notice? Of course he's a prince."

"I'm sorry, I thought they were just trying to get free help." She bowed her head, "I'm sorry guys."

No one really forgave her, not even Kirishima, and he forgives everybody. The only one who forgave her was Momo.

"Everybody wait her." Jiro pointed to seats in the waiting room.

"Alright, hand him over." She stuck her hands out.

The blonde was hesiant at first, but tried to hand him over, keyword try.

He looked down and saw the younger boy had his face burried in his  chest.

"I-I don't wanna go." He whispered, clinging to the blonde.

"Halfie." He started.

"Come with me, please?" He had a slight blush on his cheeks from the fever, which ade him look even more adorable.

He blushed, "Whatever." He look up and the girl, "I'm coming."

"Excuse me?" She growled.

"He won't go without me."

She sighed, "Whatever." She smiled and turned back so she was facing them, "You guys aren't dating are you?"

"He's four."

"Good. Cause he's gonna be my boyfriend." She smirked.

"Ha. I doubt that."

"And what make's you say that?"

"Nothing, nothing"



"Okay. He should be good after he take's that." She pointed to a liquid her daughter was mixing, "And  if he rest a lil bit more, he'll be good to go."

He nodded and look at Jiro, "Can't you go any faster." 

A tick mark grew on her head, "Shut up! I'm going as fast as I can!" She growled as she walked over to them. She tried giving it to him, but he rufused.


"Is something funny?" 

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that he won't take it from you."

"And you think he'll take it from you."

"I know he will." He smirked.

"Ugh! Fine! If he doesn't you owe me $20,ooo"


"You don't even have the money,  I don't why your're so sure of youself."

He rolled his eyes before grabbing the bowl with the liquid, "Here Halfie."

He nodded and opened his mouth, "Yuck! That was gross!"He pouted before glaring at the blonde.

"Sorry Halfie. I didn't know what it tasted like." He ruffled his hair, "Now get some sleep then we'll go."



"No way."

"You mean every single kid has to go to school?"

"Yep." Jiro nodded.

"That's so fucking dumb."

"Aye! That so actually be fun. Going to school with a prince, a good-looking one at that." In return he got a hit on the head, "Ouch! Bakugo you mean."

"Hn." He walked away.

"Where you going?"

"To see Halfie."

Kiri pouted, "Why can't I see him?"

Bakugo didn't even answer. He just walked away towards Shoto's room. He walked inside and saw the boy shift.

"Bakugo!" He giggled. He tried getting up to hug the older, but stumbled and fell.

"No, you should stay in bed!"  She ran and grabbed his arm, "You still have a slight fever."

"Let go!" He shouted twisting and turning.

"No, stay in bed!"

"I said LET GO!" He left side became engulfed in flames and Jiro flew back.

He eyes watered, but she didn't cry, "My arm!" She shouted as she stuck her arm out. It was completely burned.


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