1. Luka

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I've recently searched through my memories and come across the most amazing thing! Human kittens do not usually come in pairs as I have. My brother is entirely unique! He's got the cutest grey eyes and silver hair.

Sadly, it is incredibly hard to tell him apart without markings so I've tried my best to mark his colors down in my head. He cries a lot, but he's not nearly as bad as my former brothers and sisters. They whined like hell and wouldn't shut up unless mom was near. It didn't matter how much you stomped on their heads, they'd just get louder.

With this brother, all I need to do is scooch a bit closer and he'll stay as quiet as a butterfly. Even with my memories, I can't understand what anyone is saying. I don't want to be seen as a runt if I don't cry, so whenever my brother cries, I cry as well. Then we snuggle and it's all better.

It's really hard to move as a kitten. My brother barely tries to move unless looking for something to hold. I've tried lifting my arms but they feel as heavy as rocks. I make an effort though as exercise is the only way to lead. I hope that once I start, my brother will follow.

My former siblings followed me once I started exploring so I hope he'll do the same. He's so much cuter than my other siblings. He doesn't fuss much or try to fight for food. At first it was pleasant but now it's slightly worrying. Will he ever learn to be tough?

My memories of humans say that babies aren't supposed to be tough and grow much slower than kittens. Still, I do not want a runt as my brother. He was born unique and needs to show those kinds of qualities. For now, wherever he goes, I will follow.

| + |

As we grow and are able to stand, we both start to be able to pronounce hard syllables. People will come in and read books to us, trying to get us to understand. They point at things and pronounce words over and over. I want to say to them 'Look lady, I'm trying, but my mouth doesn't make that noise' but I doubt I could even manage the first few letters.

It's come as a surprise to me that my brother was able to sit independently before me. I mean since I was the first to sit up, I thought I would leave him time to catch up. Now it seems unnecessary. I've put in the extra effort once again to battle to the finish line. Secretly I hope we can both feel the taste of victory, though I am unsure how.

I've learned my brother's name, Lukas. It's hard to pronounce. I've been trying to shape words but all that comes out are the meowing noises I'm used to. I really want to call for Lukas.

Lukas my brother.

I feel a closer bond with this new sibling more than I ever have with the others. I spent more months with him than my other siblings. We've been dependent on each other and have felt each other's warmth more than any other. More then the woman who feeds us, more than the servants who help her.

It gives me a neediness. A hope that we will always be together. However my human memories tell me that relationships are tricky and break apart like dried leaves. Maybe we will not always be close, but for this new life, I am determined to always be with my brother Lukas.

Even if that means using 'unethical' means. Life in this society is rough and it's much easier to cope with no obstacles in our way. I have learned from my life as a cat that using claws on those that threaten your territory is the only way to protect yourself effectively. In this case, I will now add Lukas as part of my territory.

Should I pee on him? No, that can wash off easily with no fur.

Lick him? I can't see the servants allowing me to continue that for long.

So instead, I scooch closer to my lovely bundle of furless skin, and nuzzle as hard as I can. I plant my face on his cheek and move with the utmost intent to recognize him as mine. My brother nuzzles as well and I hope that means he understands what I'm trying hard to convey.

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My brother and I have 'started' to grow in teeth. That's right, we've just started. It's so painful. We help each other by gnawing on each other. I try to not be very hard. Mostly I want to work my jaw to distract myself. I also try my best not to tear up whenever Lukas presses too hard. He's still growing and he doesn't know right from wrong.

It's cute whenever he notices, though. He always looks at me with wide, guilty eyes and pats the spot as lightly as he can. I nuzzle him to show I don't mind and he always laughs in return. I choose to see it as our own way of marking.

However we've lately only been able to do this at night. A servant always steps in at some point in time and forces icky plastic into our mouths. It does, however, do the job at getting the pain and stress out. Secretly, I doubt I'll stop biting my brother. I don't want to hurt him, just mark him.

Recently, along with our teeth, there has been a new visitor. It's a little boy. I don't know his age but I can't tell he's short for a human. He's not even tall enough to reach his head over the cradle. He whispers short sentences to us, most of which I can understand. He's always upset about one thing or another.

He claims that we stole his mother and now he has to live with the bad father. Father is bad, from what I can tell. He talks a lot and never does any work, he always stinks up the bathroom and his food is always brown, or so I have been told. He sounds rather troubling. I'll remind Lukas to stay away from him.

  { Author's Note }

I've chosen not to name these chapters. I'd rather keep them simple and just say the point of view. I was super tired when I wrote these chapters so they might sound kind loopy. I just hope they aren't to bad.

Edited by @SumerisTheFox | 145 words

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