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I'm going through some writer's block. I would appreciate suggestions or comments of any sort. Enjoy <3

Callie's POV

Another week has past and things have gotten a little better. Mariana and I will able to sleep in our own beds. Well...technically we shared my bed. But it was better than crowding moms' bed. We had to sleep with the light on though. But at least we were gradually getting better.

I looked at Mariana. It was 5:30 in the morning and were both awake. We've been getting an average of 2-3 hours of sleep per night. She met my gaze.

"Might as well get up." I said.

She nodded. "Yup."

We crawled out of bed and made our way downstairs. Stef was the only one awake when we walked into the kitchen. The rest of the family seemed to be pretty much back to normal.

"You need to start getting more sleep, my loves." Stef said. "The amount of sleep you two have been getting is not healthy."

"And yet you're awake." I said with a smirk.

"Ha. Touche." She chuckled.

Nobody said anything for a long time. The silence made me feel uneasy,  almost like it was suffocating. But nobody knew what to say.

"Lena and I have been talking." Stef finally said. "And we think it may be a good idea for you two to consider therapy."

I immediately shook my head but Mariana didn't say anything. It looked like she was actually considering it.

"Well we can't even sleep in different beds or turn the light off at night." She pointed out to me.

I sighed. I have been going through therapy for years while I was in foster care. Now that I was adopted, i didn't have to go. I never thought the idea would come up again. I just wanted to live like a normal teenager.

Just then, a loud BANG erupted through the air.

The three of us immediately dropped to the floor, away from the window. Stef was on top of us, shielding us from the gunshot that came out of nowhere.

He was back!

Stef stood slowly and peered out the window.

"It was just a car backfiring." She said, the fear leaving her face as she pulled us to our feet.

We chuckled, even though the situation was more ridiculous than funny.

"I guess all three of us might need therapy." Stef laughed.

And this time, I actually agreed.

Hey guys! Sorry the chapter was so short. I'm really going through writer's block and am open to any ideas! Thanks for reading though! It's really appreciated <3


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