Stranger Of The Night

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(Stef's POV)

I looked up from the book I was reading as I heard someone walk into the kitchen. It was Callie, walking over to the sink to get a glass of water.

"Can't sleep either, Love?" I asked.

She jumped at the sound of my voice, not realizing I was down here, and turned to face me.

She shook her head. 

"No," she said softly. "I'm too worried."

I set my book aside. "Wanna talk about it?"

She smiled briefly, shaking her head.

"No, it's fine. I just-"

She suddenly cut off, stopping to look at something out the window.

She shrieked.

 "Stef!" she said loudly , backing away from the window.

I was immediately alert as I rushed over to her.

"What's is it, Love?"

She pointed out the window and I bit back a scream when I saw what she was talking about.

There was a man's face, staring at us, inches away from the glass.

"Stef what's in his hand?" Callie suddenly quietly, leaning into me. I could tell she was terrfied. "I mean, that isn't..."

It was. A gun.

"Callie go upstairs." I told her.

She hesitated. "But what about you? I don't-"

"Now, Love."

She paused momentarily, before obeying me and starting to walk quickly away.

The man tapped sharply on the glass. He pointed the gun at her head. 

She stays , he mouthed.

"W-wait, Callie." I told her, afraid he'd shoot through the glass if we disobeyed, and she turned around.

"He wants you to stay." I explained.

A look of fear washed over her face.

"Why?" she asked nervously.

"I-I dunno, Love."

"Well, what does he want?" She asked.

"We'll have to find out I guess." I told her.

I pulled her behind me, seeing that the gun was still aimed at her head.

Let me in!  he mouthed, gesturing towards the door.

I didn't budge. Callie leaned into me.

"We aren't actually gonna let him in, are we?" She whispered.

He rapped on the glass sharply, 

I'll shoot you!  He mouthed.

I still didn't move as I wrapped an arm around Callie. I could feel her trembling.

Before I knew what was happening, he smashed the window with his gun, and proceeded to crawl through it.

Callie and I shrank back as he approached us and I hoped he didn't wake anyone up. I couldn't have them walking in here.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly, trying not to let any fear show on my face as  I backed up against the counter, keeping Callie behind me, basically pinning her to the counter with my own body.

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