Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART ONE

Começar do início

"I can't get the spell to take root," I tell him as he shuts my bedroom door.

He makes his way over to my desk, and I feel him peering over my shoulder to look at the spell. He laughs, and says, "R.C., the cadence is wrong. Try it like this," he recites the spell differently, and then the paper with the spell on it levitates off the desk.

I smile at it, wave my hand, and the paper touches back down on the desk. I turn in my chair and look at Logan. "You're a genius," I tell him as I stand from the chair.

He shakes his head as he drives his hands into his pockets. "You're just too close to the project. You do realize that, even if you, Valerio and Aemilia figure out how to put my Dad's soul back together, the three of you don't have enough magic to do it."

"Yes we do," I reply a little offended.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Are you sure? What if, in the middle of the spell, one of the three of you gets tired? What happens to my Dad's soul then? This is the biggest spell I've ever seen, and I myself have a lot riding on it's success."

I sigh. If Valerio, Aemilia and I can pull this spell off, I will be able to fix Logan's soul. I've known since I was eight that Logan doesn't like being this way. He hates being rude to everyone, even though he's not trying to be. With his soul being incomplete because of Uncle Septimus' soul, it's changed who he himself should be.

"So," I say as I chew on my bottom lip, "what are you suggesting?"

Logan swallows, and then pulls a folded piece of paper out of his back pocket. "I found this in my Mom's things," he replies as he passes me the paper. "It's something on black magic." My eyes widen as I unfold the paper. "According to that, black magic acts differently than normal magic. I don't know how, but it does. It's stronger, and you won't get worn out as easily."

I read the paper, unfortunately understanding everything it says with crystal clarity. Mom and Dad taught us kids everything we need to know about how to control our powers, but they never mentioned black magic to us. Why would they keep something so strong away from us? I get that it has a slightly terrifying name, but they should have trusted us kids to understand the difference between right and wrong.

I nod my head as I fold the paper back up, and then put it in the drawer of my desk. "I'll look into it," I tell him.

It's been two weeks since Logan showed me what little he could find on black magic. I've kept my promise to him and looked into it, and already I feel it taking hold of me. I'm stronger, more irritable, but he was right. I don't get worn out anymore when I practice magic, nor do I need to take breaks at all. Valerio and Aemilia haven't noticed, but just in case, I'm working on a new spell.

Something inside of me is telling me to block myself from my sister's visions. Valerio is always so worried about me being okay, so as long as I act like I'm fine, he won't ask why there's a change in me. If Aemilia finds out I'm using black magic though, she'll go straight to Mom or Dad, and they might take my powers from me.

I had wanted to tell my family that Logan and I found a way to reconnect Uncle Septimus' soul, but Logan insisted I keep it to myself. He said until we both have full control over black magic, no one in the family will understand the need for it. I might as well put Logan into this blocking spell too, since he's started using black magic along with me.

In the Midst of the Light~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Four (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora