Chapter 2: Meeting the Gang

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Jerrica's POV

We walked through the tons of sand in this huge desert. It seemed like it would never end.

"I'm so thirsty" I cried

"I am too" Said Taylor

"Me three..." sighed Crona.

"How much longer until we get there?" I groaned

"S-soon" Said Crona.

I've noticed Taylor and Crona eyeing eachother and being really awkward. It's cute sigh I hope I find someone who can understand me....

"Hey I see a city!!" Said Taylor

"Yaaay!!!" I exclaimed.

"We gotta find the DWMA" Said Tay

"I think I-it's the big building right there" Said Crona, pointing.

As we got closer and closer we noticed the never ending stairs.

"Are you kidding me!?" I cried. I wasn't in the best shape.

Then, I noticed a really handsome guy about our age with golden yellow eyes and three white stripes in his hair. God I want him. I could use my witch powers but that would be wrong

"Hello, are you new students as well?" He asked us.

"Actually were here to get enrolled" Said Taylor.

"Oh, you can talk to my father, who runs the DWMA. You guys don't look like you know your way. I may not know my way around the school but I can get you to the Death Room" He said

"D-Death Room!? I can't deal with this!!" Cried Crona.

"No, don't worry you're not going to die. The death room got its name because my father is Lord Death"

We froze. Aracne and Medusa always told us how bad he was... how he wanted to Control the world.

"What's your names? I'm Death the Kid, call me Kid for short.

"Im Taylor" Said Taylor


"I'm Jerrica" I blushed looking at him.

"Okay, well, let's get you to see My father?" Asked Kid.  We nodded.

We walked to the death room when there was a girl with dirty blonde pigtails, a boy with white hair and red eyes, a boy with spikes blue hair, and a tall girl with a black pony tail and dark blue eyes.

"You guys haven't collected a single Kishin soul. That is not good. You know you guys need to work harder or else there will be consequences." Said what I was assuming was Lord Death.

"Right... sorry Lord Death!!! Well try harder!!"

"Oh, right, kiddos, meet my Kiddo, Death the Kid. Son who do you for with you?" He asked.

"Father, this is Jerrica, Crona, and Taylor. They wish to enroll here At the academy" said Kid. I love how calm he is 💕

"Okay. Yeah, I sense a strange power within them! They will be joining you guys." Said Lord Death.

"Cool." Said White hair

" they can't outshine me because I'm the biggest star!!!" Said blue hair

We introduced eachother and got to know eachother.
Then kid's phone rang.

"Hello, this is Death the Kid"

I could hear a female voice in the phone yelling at him. There was also another female voice laughing.

"I'm coming, I just had some things to take care of. See you soon, Liz, Patty." He hung up.

"Those were my weapons calling. They're pretty pissed."

"Weapons?" Asked Maka.

"Yes, I have two weapons. It's the perfect balance of left and right symmetry is key" he said. We all looked at him like he was crazy. Except for me.

Because I am different too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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