CHAPTER 11 The Banishment

Start from the beginning

He couldn't hear what Dean Burnhilde was discussing with Miss Miyflower or the rest of the Foxwood School's staff, but through the window of the room, he could see the Dean and the other adults arguing.

It wasn't until what felt like an hour had passed that the double doors to the dining room opened and Dean Burnhilde walked in, her face impassive. Aric lurched to his feet when she approached.

"I'm afraid your actions last night have brought great consequences, Aric," The Dean said, stopping in front of him. Her gaze met his and Aric realized it was the first he'd seen the Dean so frazzled. "Your expulsion has been voted on by the insistence of myself and Miss Miyflower. The students all voted you to be banished for the betterment of Arbed House. Only one stepped up to your defense. But alas, it was six against one and numbers don't lie."

Aric felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest and he opened his mouth to say something, but he was speechless, overcome by emotion.

The only person who ever truly cared about him was Japeth. Japeth would've defended him for his actions. He was the only one who'd voted that Aric stay in Arbed, but Japeth's attempts were futile.

"It's time," Dean Burnhilde announced. Her tone was deep and serious, a stark comparison to her usual gooey voice.

The guards posted at the door moved to herd Aric like a prisoner through the halls before they emerged outside. The pale sunlight blinded Aric's vision as he stepped down the familiar steps where he remembered having lunches with Japeth. But the blueberry bushes growing beside the steps appeared bare of berries. In fact, everything seemed different than what it was yesterday.

Maybe it was all in Aric's head, but he couldn't shake the foreboding feeling curling in his gut as he was led to the edge of the lawn. There, huddled beneath the trees, were the other boys in Arbed; Jach, Hemwa, Asmodeus, and Mika all looking hostile with their scowls directed at Aric as he was forced forward.

Than, Aric spotted those familiar blue skies boring into him, and he lurched forward to grab Japeth.

"Aric..." Japeth whispered, looking so crestfallen that it made Aric become overwhelmed by brief sternness.

Had Japeth forgotten what Aric had told him just hours ago with the moon boring down on them. That boys shouldn't allow their sadness to overwhelm them?

But seeing Japeth's glistening gaze, Aric couldn't speak, and chose to remind Japeth of his mistake through action by reaching for him.

Aric curled his fingers around Japeth's wrist to yank him closer, expression stern. That was when he looked over Japeth's shoulder to find his best friend's exact copy looming against a tree with Kei at his side for support, green blue eyes dancing with fire.

It was than and there, seeing Japeth's incompetent twin, that Aric felt something in him snap.

"You!" Aric snarled, fists twitching to punch Rhian across his already bruised face, but Japeth's sudden grip on his shoulders stopped him.

Rhian had a bandage wrapped around his head, skin clean of blood, yet his clothes were ruffled and streaked with dirt—the only indication that he'd been in a squabble just hours ago.

"I couldn't miss this," Rhian wheezed, voice hoarse as he fixed Aric with an equally steely expression. He tried to step forward, but staggered and was caught by a ready Kei.

Aric felt his grasp on Japeth's arm tighten like a vice as Japeth tried to pull away. "Aric, don't—"

But Aric's gaze was glued on Rhian, a scowl etched across both of the boys' faces. Even Kei looked angry, dark eyes storming in contempt.

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