CHAPTER 10 The Confrontation

Start from the beginning

Rhian didn't know what he was talking about. Aric made Japeth complete. Aric accepted Japeth for who he truly was, and they shared a connection Rhian could never dare dream of. Rhian always seemed to want to rope Japeth in a leash to try to reform him, but Japeth wasn't some animal that could be easily tamed. Rhian would never comprehend Aric and Japeth's relationship. Rhian would never understand Japeth in the way Aric truly did.

"Now, I think it is You who is the liar," Japeth sneered, gaze flashing as he faced his brother. "The real truth isn't that Aric is a bad influence on me, it's that you are so wrapped up in your own grief to see that Aric is the one who's there for me when my own brother isn't. Aric is the one person who'll accept me for who I am when you won't. You're just jealous that I have a friend, a friend who is better than you. You want me to be good! Well, I hate to break it to you, Rhian, but I'll Never be good. You can't change me."

Silence followed Japeth's words as Rhian twisted his eyes closed as if he could no longer bear to look his twin in the eye. Japeth could feel Rhian's guilt like a slap in the face, and he knew Rhian could feel his own bitterness that burnt the back of his throat.

Rhian deep down hadn't truly gotten over Evelyn leaving them, and his grief was making him blind to what was right in front of him. Rhian was too busy being in the past to think of the present and how human Japeth felt when he was with Aric. But that was how Rhian was. He tried to make people happy, but the only person he was giving happiness to in the end was himself, even if he wasn't aware of it.

"You're wrong, Japeth," Rhian murmured, raising red rimmed eyes with defiance in his gaze. "Why would I be jealous of you and Aric's friendship? Aric is nothing more but a psychotic monster. You're better than he ever will be. And you Can change, trust me. But Aric wants  you all to himself. I can see it in his eyes. What you've got isn't friendship, it's unnatural! It's an abomination! It's not right—"

That's when a primal scream of rage burst through the air, and Japeth blinked to see somebody crashing towards them in the darkness to barrel straight into Rhian. Japeth was too shocked to move and could only watch as a fist swung out to connect with Rhian's face, and blood splattered across the grass.

Through the shadows, violet eyes burned into Rhian's bloody face as Aric bared his teeth in a sinister smile. Rhian gasped for breath as he writhed beneath Aric's weight, struggling to get away, but his efforts were futile as Aric slammed his fist down once more.

A sickening crunch cracked through the night air as Rhian's head snapped to the side and he tried in vain to escape, digging his fingernails into Aric's cheeks so hard they bled. Aric had a crazed look in his eyes Japeth had never seen before as he watched Aric reach for the rusted dagger at his waist to hold the blade dangerously close to Rhian's throat.

It was the same dagger Japeth had given Aric weeks ago when the two of them had spent the night in Rhian and Japeth's old home, the same dagger that'd been used to defend Japeth against an old man who'd wanted to claim Evelyn Sader's old home for himself.

"JAPETH!" Rhian's cry for help rattled Japeth's eardrums as Rhian's gaze flickered to Japeth standing frozen nearby like a statue. Rhian silently pleaded for Japeth to intervene, gaze wide, nose bloody, and bruises marring his once smooth face.

Than, Aric's features shifted to look at Japeth too, expression full of pain that made Japeth's heart break in understanding. Aric was hurt that Rhian had said that stuff about their friendship, so he'd lashed out with anger. It was the kind of pain Japeth understood.

Yet in that very moment with Aric briefly distracted, Rhian rolled out from beneath his attacker and stumbled to his feet, Aric's blade just barely grazing the flesh of Rhian's throat. But Aric was quick to react, and aimed the dagger at Rhian once more.

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