Chapter 3b

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     Fienwell had been meeting with members of the popular uprising, arranging a protest outside the Ministry buildings in three days time in which there would be a major battle between protesters and the guards. They wanted several high profile deaths among the protesters, to fire up the common people even further, and they would arrange an invasion, by screaming, torch bearing workers, of the building itself, in which several junior executives would be injured, even killed. The government Ministers themselves would be put in fear. Would be made to feel personally threatened in a way they hadn't before. It would be the excuse they needed to bring the same draconian measures into play in the capital as they had in the provinces.

     That, and the guns they were placing in the hands of the protesters, meant that a full scale uprising was very close now. It might even be impossible to stop, even if he and the other agitators did nothing more. So thin, the veneer of civilisation, he mused as he strolled along the sunlit street. So easy to tear away, to reveal the raw savagery beneath...

     *Go no further,* warned a voice in his head. *There are men ahead, waiting in ambush.*

     Fienwell looked up, at the Radiant floating above the rooftops. It was the only one close enough to have spoken to him. Then he looked ahead, to the small, dingy apartment he’d been using as a base of operations while in the city. He would have preferred something larger and grander, but he met with members of the popular uprising here sometimes and he had to appear to be one of them. On those occasions when he had to meet with government Ministers and captains of industry there was always a spare office in the palace he could use and it only took a moment to change clothes.

     He didn't see anyone. There were people in the street, passing by, but no-one loitering around his home. *Are you sure?* he asked.

     *They are in the empty apartment opposite your home. Another of us saw them enter three hours ago. They have not left.*

     *Who are they?*

     *Wizards. We can sense that they are fractionally above other humans on the rungs of life. It means the authorities suspect you. Possibly they were warned by their former Helberion allies. We knew it was just as matter of time once we declared open warfare against them. We are warning all our adoptees to cease their activities and lie low. The task you have been performing is over. Soon you will be given a new task.*

     *What new task?* Fienwell turned on his heel and headed back the way he’d come, trying to look relaxed, nonchalant. Had his ambushers seen him? There was no outcry, no pursuit, and so he allowed himself to relax.

     *If The Empire fails to fall into civil war, we will have to attack directly, as we are in Helberion. If that happens, you will be needed as a foot soldier. Your ability to move among humans and your ability to cast curses will make you a useful assassin.*

     “An assassin!” He realised he’d spoken the words out loud and looked around to see if anyone had heard him. A postman, sorting through his mailbag for anything on this street, looked up in surprise, then put him out of his mind. *I can't be an assassin! They'll catch me! They'll kill me!*

     *You will do what is required of you. If you do not, you will be of no further use to us and will be discarded.*

     *Discarded? What does that mean?*

     *There is never any shortage of humans willing to be adopted. Many of them, thanks to your efforts, are angry enough to be willing to sacrifice their lives to kill those we name as their enemies.*

     *Because they think you want to help them achieve justice and revenge. They don’t know what you really want.*

     *Nor shall they.* There was a pause, and Fienwell looked up to see the Radiant getting closer. It was following him along the street, low enough for pedestrians to have to swerve to avoid its dangling tentacles. *You are thinking of betraying us. Of telling humans what our true objective is.*

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