Post First Round

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Ness's P.O.V

We all headed to the dining room me being the last one. While following Samus Pikachu started to make faces at me over Samus's shoulder."Rude and childish now?" I whispered. "What was that Ness?" Samus asked turning her head to me."Huh? Nothing" I said quickly as she turned back around while Pikachu looked at me laughing quietly. I simply looked away annoyed.

 The food here was really good I got a steak to try and help with the homesickness I had in the back of my mind. While it wasn't as good as from home but it came close. After I ate I looked over to Samus to talk to her

"Since when were you and Pikachu such good friends?" I asked as Samus and Pikachu looked up for a second "First day actually when you left Pikachu joined Fox and me in training" "Great to know" I muttered as Pikachu glared at me.

As we all finished eating they all had started a conversation as we left the dining area. "Should we do some training with the few hours of the day we have left?" Fox said."Is training all you think about?" Samus asked "Just want to be as ready as possible". "Well, I think I'll just rest after my match" She said "Pi pi" Pikachu agreed sounding tired." What about you Ness?" "I guess it won't hurt to train more" I responded "That's the spirit, cmon let's head to the training room". "I guess I'll see you two tomorrow in the second round" Samus said "Until then" I responded as I followed Fox.

After some walking around the mansion in silence, Fox asked, "Why do you hate Pikachu?".

"What? I don't hate Pikachu" I replied

"Well  you don't seem to like him I can tell"

"it was just something that happened during the ride" I said as we entered the training room

"You two may just have to deal with each other for Samus though"

"yeah I know lets just train now" I said trying to end the conversation

"Alright Let's start then"

The first thing I saw him go for when the match started was his blaster and I quickly used PK Magnet to absorb the shots. "PK Fire!" I yelled shooting a firebolt at him until I saw a blue pentagon surround him with the firebolt bouncing back to hit me after hitting the pentagon. I got out of the fire and waited for it to burn out "Guess you have a good way to deal with projectiles too" I told him "Guess so" He responded. He then started to rush towards me and I flung my Yo-yo forwards to push him back then using another PK Fire giving him no time to put up his reflector.  After the fire burned out he jumped towards me kicking me back and following up with different moves not letting me land. "PK Thunder!" I yelled as I aimed the ball of lightning at him interrupting his hits and letting me land but straight into being grabbed and thrown off stage. I PK Rocketed back to the stage but was kicked back up hard before I even landed and straight into the blast zone.

"Good training" Fox said as I was teleported back "Are you kidding? You controlled that the whole time" I responded "Well that's why training is useful" "Yeah yeah, It's late so we should go back to our rooms" "See ya tomorrow then" He said "Until then" I said as we left to our rooms

{AN: I'm not sure how clear it is but this chapter was a lot more improvisation than the others (with the exception of the first one) and I just needed to make a chapter up to make sure I wouldn't forget about this story}

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