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No ones POV:

Sasuke glared holes in the back of the 5th Hokages back. He heard the order she just put out very clearly. But this didn't mean he was going to give up, sighing the leaned against the stone wall of the dark hallway. He needs to think of a plan to somehow sneak in to naruto's room or to make Naruto come out of his room on his own.

Sasuke just wanted to make sure that his teammate was okay, he didn't mean anything behind it or .. did he?
The raven haired boy shook his head quickly forgetting the bothersome thoughts.
'This isn't the time to be thinking about that sort of stuff..' he whispered to himself.
He first wanted to try throwing rocks at naruto's hospital room window to see if the anbu would react to that. This plan wasn't fool proof but it was a starting point. Sasuke also decided that the perfect time to do it would be at night.

~skipping forwards towards the night~

Sasuke sat up from his couch checking outside of his window if the night sky was at its peak. To his luck it was. Bouncing off the worn out couch he dashed out the door. He was a bit nervous but he wouldn't admit it, but what was he nervous of? Meeting Naruto? Getting caught by the anbu? Naruto not wanting to talk to him?

He slapped both of his cheeks which brought him back to reality. Sasuke was standing outside of the Konoha hospital, moreover he was standing outside of naruto's hospital room. The raven spotted a perfectly small, shiny rock and jogged to it. He tossed it around in his hand for a bit debating if this was actually going to work. He didn't want to wake up any of the people from the other hospital rooms and be definitely didn't want to get spotted by the Anbu. In the end sasuke decided that you only live once and he shouldn't be debating over checking how his goofy teammate was feeling.

He tossed it up in the air once more before throwing the small rock on naruto's window.

No response.

Sasuke's hands stared to sweat a bit as he picked up another small rock to throw. The rock flew in the air making another bump noise but this time sasuke but much more power into it causing the window to get a small crack. Which made sasuke's blood run cold. The yellowish curtain moved aside to reveal a familiar yellow colour. Naruto's head peeked out of the window as sasuke waved his hand dramatically.

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his eyes to see if he was seeing correctly. Was that sasuke waving his hand at him??
Of course not sasuke doesn't care for anyone but himself. He sighed to himself as he thought he was having another hallucination.

But sasuke wasn't about to give up! He came all this way and got Naruto to actually respond to him so he wasn't letting this chance go. He grabbed another rock and hurled it at the window once again. The small rock ended up hitting the dejected Naruto in the back of
His head. Which made him quickly whip his head around to see that it wasn't an illusion created by his messed up mind.
'What do you want?!' Naruto whisper-yelled As he rubbed the back of his head, it didn't hurt it just left an itchy feeling. Sasuke looked confused as to why was Naruto being so quiet.
'I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that!' He whisper-yelled back.
'But if I'm loud you will get baited out?' He responded in the same hushed tone as before while gently touching his chin as if he was pretending to think.
'Want me to talk like this than?' He announced loudly while leaning on the window frame. An amused look in his eyes.
'NO NO PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN' he whisper-yelled again while shaking his head.
'Anyway what's up with you coming here sasuke?'  He questioned.
'Is it that weird?' Sasuke asked while scratching the back of his neck.
'Weird is an understatement..' Naruto huffed.
'You normally don't care for anyone else but yourself.' He spat.

Naruto didn't know why these words were rolling off of his tounge right now but he felt like something was being lifted off his chest when he was being mean to sasuke.
'You make me sound like a big asshole.' Sasuke glared at the blonde.
'You sometimes are.' Naruto replied.
'I came here to check up on you idiot' Sasuke huffed crossing his arms over his chest. A light blush forming on his cheeks.
'Are you now?' Naruto's tone turned darker.
'Or are you here to mock me like the rest of the village?' He slightly raised his voice without meaning it to.
'Please don't misunderstand me!' Sasuke was getting worried that Naruto was going to take his visit to check on naruto's well-being the wrong way. He in no way shape or form wanted to mock Naruto. In fact he held much respect for his teammate, even after enduring all that stuff from the villagers and the people around him- he still went on as smiled like he had no care in the world.
'What am I misunderstanding?!' Naruto tapped on the window impatiently.
'I'm really not trying to mock you right now I wanted to check up on you as your f-fr...'

Sasuke couldn't get the word out as he felt blood rushing to his face. He was to embarrassed to say it in front of Naruto.
'My what?' Naruto replied mockingly. He felt so fed up with everything right now. Like there was a small pit of rage growing inside of him and he was now realising his anger onto anyone he saw. Sasuke didn't respond as his embarrassment was getting the best of him. He coughed awkwardly while looking away making Naruto furrow his eyebrows even more.
'Turns out you're just like everybody else.' Naruto scoffed.
'You think I didn't have people pretending to be nice to me and gained by trust to then leave me to rot?!' He was raising his voice again.

Sasuke was shocked at this. Is this what Naruto has been hiding? Were all his smiles and laughs fake then? This angered sasuke cause if Naruto had a problem he should've told someone about it. Naruto should've told him.
If he could just speak up even a little bit sasuke could've helped even if it was just a little.
'You know not everyone is after hurting you!?' Sasuke started raising his voice to.
'Then why has everyone tried up till now?!' Naruto felt a hot liquid starting to form in the corner of his eyes making them sting. The bangs of his messy blond hair creating a shadow over his sorrowful eyes. He 'tched' before biting down on his finger nail- a habit he got from being around the 5th hokage so much.
'You should leave sasuke.' He advised.
'I don't want to you idiot.' Sasuke shot back.
'I see no point in speaking to you anymore' he stated. As he turned around slamming his window shut. And yanking the yellowish curtain over the window as a form of protection.

Sasuke felt defeated. He didn't want to go home cause he still hasn't gotten a response to a question he wanted to ask. Are you okay? He wanted to ask him to at least get an inside on what's going on in his mind. With a heavy sigh he turned around and started walking away with hands in his pockets and slumped shoulders.

Hello guys it's been a while huh?
I'm back after all that time and I'm planning to continue the story with longer chapters like this of course. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you next time lovelies 💖.

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