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Kendall: hey hey wassup!

GiGi: nothing...

Kendall: tell me you're not thinking about him!??

GiGi: ...

Kendall: come on wigi!! U deserve so much better! ❤

GiGi: i just can't believe he'd do that!

Kendall: trust me, me neither!

GiGi: i mean i just wanted to ask on why he kept rejecting my calls and facetimes, because i miss him so much while he's on tour...

GiGi: and he straight up just tells me dat im being 'clingy and annoying' ?!?!?

Kendall: u know what! Screw him! If he thinks that way! Then he definitely don't desrve you!

GiGi: tnx 4 being there 4 me kenny! 😘

Kendall: what are bffs for? Luv u! Sleep cause u need yo beauty sleep! 💜

GiGi: haha okay mom! Luv u 2! ❤

- ♡♡♡ -

ZAYN: kendalll

ZAYN: kendalllll plsssss

ZAYN: anzmswerrrrrrr

ZAYN: jkaakshsisio

Kendall: what. Is. Your. Problem!?!?!

ZAYN: i just need 2 talk 2 u! About Gi!

Kendall: not interested bud!

ZAYN: pls tell her that im sorry! That i was wrong! I didn't mean those things that i said! I swear, i was just sooo stressed!

Kendall: zayn com on! Gigi needs a break! Okay, just let her be, im sure if she's ready then she'll probably unblock u!

ZAYN: just tell her pls...

Kendall: sure whatevs 😑

ZAYN: tnx kenny! Ur the best


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