Start from the beginning

But some people believe otherwise- ignorance is bliss...as they say. While two wars were not entirely what he had planned, it did frame up what he was about to do quite nicely. The endless suffering of Harry James Potter who lost both his parents to the insufferable snake faced madman, getting saved by Albus Dumbledore riding in on his metaphorical white horse to save the day. Yes, he could get behind that.

Saviour of the Wizarding World.

Has quite the ring to it. Now....the plan how to set this plan in motion.


Hermione POV

Battle of Hogwarts

I find myself on one of the upper levels of the castle looking out at the grounds watching as some of the professors work to put up the dome of magic, a pretence of safety, though each of us know that if you think about it hard enough that this dome will only delay the inevitable. I don't mean to be pessimistic but when facing down death at the hand of Lord Voldemort's army it's hard to keep up the perky optimism. I feel Ron come up behind me, also to look out over the castle grounds. I can make out the figures of Voldemort's army gathered just beyond, but further enough away that you can't make any discernible features.

"Hermione, I was thinking..." Well that is a dangerous activity, "you know how Harry destroyed the locket, which was a horcrux with the Sword of Gryffindor and that was coated in Basilisk venom...couldn't we destroy the cup in the same way?", Ron said quietly as if just in case people could be listening which is unfortunately a very real possibility.

I turn wide eyed to Ron...understanding dawning on me on how utterly stupid we have all been in not figuring this out sooner. I whack him on the arm with an excited grin. "Ron that's brilliant".

We run off down the corridors, eventuating with us coming upon the large Hogwarts staircase that is the central hub for the chaos. Other students are panicking, their movements stilted and the look of sheer terror in their eyes, gives way to common sense. Self-preservation is the main element with all the shoving and wands raised flicking in every which way expecting a surprise attack by Death Eaters. I get shoved rather roughly from behind and nearly fall to the ground but at the last minute I stick an arm out and manage to brace myself against the side of the stairs. Saving myself from most likely being stampeded by the frightened students. I crane my head to try to find the shock of red hair, to see if Ron is still in my vicinity or got caught up in the frantic movements of the students. I see him wading his way through the throngs of students to get back to me so we can make our way down to the second floor to get to chamber of secrets through the girl's lavatory.

I feel him grip my arm and I let him pull me along silently, once we manage to get to the stairs that go down wards, we are free to ran, as we are heading in the opposite direction to everyone else. While running down the corridors dodging and jumping over fallen statues, portraits, flaming tapestries, it feels like this will never end and I come to realise how bone tired I really am. Explosions from outside light up the sky, the varying colours casting a kaleidoscope of light on the walls and floor. They rock the foundations of the castle in a relentless onslaught, a terror filled reminder of the ominous clock ticking down until they manage to breach the shield. I can feel my heartbeat wildly at the thought of having to face down hundreds of death eaters. I'm scared. I blink away tears, so I don't lose my footing. We have to move faster. The cup needs to be destroyed quickly. We are running out of time not just because of the domed shield but also because of Voldemort. He will come after Harry.

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