Volume 6 (Stealing from the Elderly)

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Daytime in Argus. At the Atlesian Military Base, various soldiers and guards work on their jobs. Weiss and Arion are walking with Cordovin and Saphron, who is holding her son Adrian in her arm. They are also escorted by the two Nubuck Guards. Weiss drags a large luggage case behind her. 

Cordovin: Ah, I was relieved to hear that you came to your senses, Miss Schnee. Many of us were devastated when we heard you would be attending... (with disdain) Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart. And for your friend, he will be in the best hands of safety.

Arion: (pretending) Yeah, and I'm excited to see how great Atlas is when you so highly talk about your systems. Bluagh. Safety? More prison.

Weiss: (pretending) It was... time to get my act together and go back to my roots.

Cordovin: Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps. And for you I'm very pleased that you can't wait about Atlas' glory.

Weiss: (with an unenthusiastic smile) Absolutely...

Arion: Yeah. The most of Atlas' people are for sure as arrogant as Orlaisians. 

Cordovin: I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you. Make sure General Ironwood hears that part. (winks and walks away)

Guard 1: Allow me to assist you with your bag. (hups over to pick up Weiss' luggage) My, what a heavy bag!

Weiss: (keeping her grip on her luggage) That's alright!

Guard 1: Nonsense!

Guard 2: Allow me to assist as well!

Arion: I can help her. (helps Weiss)

Weiss: I can take care of it by myself!

As Cordovin walks away, she overhears Weiss, Arion and the Guards conversation. She stops in her tracks and gains a suspicious look on her face. Saphron notices this.

Saphron: (whispering to Adrian) Just like we practiced.

Adrian nods at his mother. The baby then lets out a loud wail that can be heard throughout the base. Adrian "cries" as he fusses in his mother's arms. Arion who has sensitive ears must hold them closed with his hands.

Saphron: (pretending) Oh no! Look at that, he's just going to miss you so much! You should hurry on out of here!

Guard 1: A crying child?

Guard 2: We must console it!

The two guards hup over to Adrian as they perform weird poses to amuse him. Cordovin continues walking with an unamused look on her face. While they are distracted, Arion and Weiss quickly gets onto the airship with the luggage behind her.

Weiss: That was close.

Arion: They are really super wierd. And stubborn.

Ruby: (over earpiece) Is everything okay?

Maria: (from inside Weiss' luggage) Call me heavy... It's all muscle! I'll show them a thing or two about heavy!

Weiss: We're on board.

Elsewhere, Ruby, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Qrow wait along the cliffside between the forest and the ocean.

Ruby: Alright, we'll all watch our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the comm tower, that'll mean she's out of range of the radar too. 

Yang: (over radio) And that's when Blake steps in. We're almost at the drop off.

In another area, Yang is driving Bumblebee with Blake sitting behind her. Blake has her Scroll out receiving instructions from Terra.

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