Untitled Part 1

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Standing behind her

he watches

Just outside of her peripheral

she senses him

He's waiting to make a move

just as he prepares to  caress her soft skin

With razor sharp claws and blood-soaked wings

she moves a fraction of an inch

This movement throws him off guard

he waited for too long

He must act fast and soon

she must be with him

She's finished grieving

it cannot be any other way

Ivory skin

sun-kissed hair

Fragile and full frame

everyone longed to take her in 

He couldn't allow it

even beyond the grave he needed her 

She just had no clue

No one could love her as much as he did

he was going to see to it 

She would be just as beautiful in the afterlife 

Beauty in the AfterlifeWhere stories live. Discover now