Romeo and His Juliet

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"I'm worried about Juan dad

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"I'm worried about Juan dad.... this new attorney that just showed up in town will use him to get what he needs and the club will kill him!.... I told Jax that I would protect him at any cost and I will uphold that promise to my very last breath if need be!.... I'm not going to push myself on him.... give him what HE wants just to make things "easier" for him!.... he's caused my heart enough pain and I won't allow it to continue!.... if he wants me like he swears that he wants me he's going to have to prove it! but it's going to be hard with all this extra pressure they'll be putting on him!.... he's gonna need someone but he's also gonna be to afraid to "ask for help".... they'll make him a rat!.... and I think I know just how they'll do it!"  Muerte says to Marcus that night as they sit in her man cave talking "the drugs!"  Marcus says softly she nods "he's a delicate flower with fragile petals one light touch and they fall off he wasn't "made" for this life but he did choose it!.... all he wanted was a family!.... one that wouldn't abandon him like his biological one did.... his father's black and the Reapers have this stupid rule!.... they help out a African American charter and yet don't allow any of them to join in themselves.... racial hypocrites!.... he'll never leave them though.... they're his "family"!"  she says "mierda! ¡maldito sea!"  Marcus curses softly "I know it's probably a hard thing to process in that overworked Mexican brain of yours but this is a daughter begging for help not a Reaper!"  she says he chuckles "I wouldn't ask you if I didn't think you could handle it.... and even though we're not together at this point in time I still care about him and I always will!"  she says softly he wraps his arm around her shoulder in a hug and replies "I know hija!.... I'll do what I can.... I promise!"  she hugs him fully trying not to cry "it's ok hija!.... let it out!.... let it all out!"  he whispers into her ear and she starts crying.... Muerte let Happy keep the pups at his aunts house where the Reapers were "housing" their guns and she stayed at her parents house to help with her little sister and allow her mom to have a break once in awhile.... "alright guys bring it in!"  Muerte orders as she rides into Teller Morrow with a few furniture store trucks behind her "hey Clay you got the place cleaned up yet!?!"  she calls out to the gray haired man with a ugly face and even worse attitude who was standing next to Gemma with Tara and Jax at their side by the club door Jax chuckles softly shaking his head Muerte parks her Harley and jogs over to Jax saying "I heard you were remodeling thought I could help give you a good start compliments of the Mayans M.C.!.... I know someone who does woodwork we could make you new chapel doors.... though if you don't want want we're willing to give let me know before they start to unload!"  Jax laughs then he looks at his mom and Clay Juice walks out of the club and his eyes widen when he sees Muerte "Juice!.... go help them unload"  Jax orders Juice nods and jogs over to the trucks "everything's pretty much the same just newer so y'all are gonna have to work in the old socks and cum smell everyone's so fond off!"  Muerte teases Jax laughs Tara makes a face "there's our beautiful death!!"  Chibs shouts excitedly with his arms out wide waiting for a hug once he walks out of the club and sees Muerte she smiles and says softly as she passes through Jax and Gemma "excuse me!"  then she walks right into Chibs' open arms and gets squished inbetween Tig and Bobby who also walked out and saw her Jax moves Tara with him as he gets out of the way of Juice and the workers who were starting to bring the furniture in Jax chuckles when he sees them carry doors that had the SAMCRO Reaper carved into it "I've got far too much time on my hands!"  Muerte tells Jax "everyone I know is busy with business and with the pups hangin out with Cobra I get bored!"  she adds he smiles.... Muerte helps Juice, Tig, Bobby, Filthy Phil and Opie in the warehouse as they make boxes to hold their guns she brings in some ice cold bottles of water inside following Filthy Phil as he carries in some wood Clay and Jax not too far behind.... she had to get some fresh air the sawdust was starting to make it hard for her to breathe.... "here you go guys!"  she says walking in with a smile she hands Opie one then tosses one to Bobby and Tig "you dropped this!"  she says says picking up a piece of wood that fell to the floor handing it to Tig he playfully mocks her she slaps his shoulder softly with a smile as she sets a bottle down in front of Juice he smiles at her and says softly "thanks!"  she gives him a small smile and walks away "look at my happy little elves"  Clay says as he walks in everyone stops what they're doing and look over at him none of them look happy "they look great how do they hold?"  Jax asks "hold between 10 and 16 depending on the gun the weight matches the car parts"  Opie answers "beautiful"  Clay says "Chibs got the specs from the Irish"  Bobby says "where is he?"  Jax asks "don't ask"  Filthy Phil says "no water for you then!"  Muerte teases Filthy Phil sticking out her tongue he chuckles as she tosses him a bottle and he catches it "bathroom working shit out"  Tig answers "literally all that processed food"  Juice says as Chibs walks out of the bathroom groaning Muerte rushes over to him and wraps her arm around his waist helping him walk wiping the sweat from his face with a clean bandanna "thank you gorgeous!"  Chibs says she smiles at him "shit you alright man?"  Jax asks "something didn't settle right? cheap Mexican food"  Chibs answers "I don't know if I should feel insulted or not by that!"  Muerte teases Chibs chuckles "chasing burritos with Jack and James probably didn't help"  Bobby replies "ok!.... NOW I definitely feel insulted!.... do I LOOK like a burrito!?!"  she teases the guys laugh  "Juicy you gonna hook me up yeah?"  Chibs asks Juice smiles "green tea and a mint colonic a little herbal fusion...."  after watching Juice slide his hand down his chest as he spoke Muerte looks up at Chibs and teasingly coos "oooo you're getting the full service treatment lucky you!"  Chibs chuckles as Tig says "stop"  repeatedly 5 times "before we clear anybody's passage let's just get these crates built Bobby you're with me Wahewa"  Clay says "why do you need me?"  Bobby asks "cause I miss you man"  Clay replies sarcastically "you want me with?"  Tig asks "nah nah we're good stay available may need somebody to haul some ammo"  Clay answers pointing at him "whatever you do.... don't eat the shrooms!"  Muerte teases Bobby hiding her lips behind her hand and whispering Tig chuckles Bobby shakes his head with a half smile as he follows Clay unwillingly..... a few minutes later Jax gets a call from Miles "alright I'm coming"  he says as he hangs up "what's going on?"  Opie asks as Jax grabs his kutte and starts to walk out of the warehouse "that was Miles some kind of hiccup with the guns"  Tig asks "should I call Clay?"  Jax answers "no him and Bobby need some quality time"  Muerte teases "ok!.... that is not a picture I needed in my head thank you!"  Jax chuckles ruffling her hair then he says to Tig "stay here get the other Prospects in here to help finish these up"  then he says to Juice while pointing at the half dead looking Chibs laying on the table with Muerte brushing his hair away from his face gently "take care of him"  Chibs though he's enjoying the feel of her soft touch and almost falling asleep he jolts up quickly "absolutely"  Juice says watching Muerte closely with sad slightly jealous eyes "you're with us follow in the van let's go"  Jax says to Filthy Phil who nods at him Tig walks over to Jax as he leaves "I'm going with"  Jax answers "Clay wanted you to stay here"  Tig replies "no I'm not gonna be his little ammo bitch bro I'm not gonna do it if there's a problem with those guns I should be there"  Tig walks out the door "alright Tiggy"  Jax says as he, Opie and Filthy Phil follow him out....

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