chapter 5

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Marinette's POV


I quickly shoved the tiny creature into my bag and rushed out of the building.

I've got to see master Fu right now!

But then I stopped in an epiphany.

I'm in America right now! What should I do? Ugh! Tikki, will you be able to endure it till then? No, I have to look for another option!

I then remembered that there was another miraculous holder in the states: The Legendary Master Lee

"Tikki!" I shouted-whispered. "Tikki, please make a tiny effort, do you know where the legendary Master Lee is?"

I intensively watched her sweat drop drip by drip waiting for her to reply.

Tikki then finally managed to open her tiny lips and let out her squeaky, small voice.

"I'm not sure exactly where but..."

Adrien's POV

"Sorry, but do I know you? How do you know my name?"

The woman then looked back at me disappointed.

"Adrien, it's me -your mother..."

I felt a very unpleasant sink within me; my whole brain and mind were blank. It took me a few seconds to process who and what this woman claimed to be.

My...mother...? No way! Mom left me years ago -she couldn't possibly just come back to me like that! Maybe...maybe it's an imposter! Yes, an imposter!

I quickly wiped off the tears that kept flowing and stepped back, making a distance between us.

"Sorry, I have to go," I bowed respectfully and moved to walk away.

But, before I could get anywhere, she grabbed my arm, which caused me to stop. That's when I started to get angry.

No matter how much I tried to convince myself she was an impostor, I still couldn't get the feeling off my chest. The feeling of having the presence of a mother around you again.

First, she abandoned me... now she's trying to get back to me and interrupting me from seeing the person that I love!

"Miss, if you don't stop this, I'll call the police!" I shouted at her as I aggressively moved my arm off her grasp.

She stood there shocked -not knowing what to say so I took the chance to then quickly walk away.

Chloe's POV

Another morning. Another trip to the bathroom. Another trip for my morning sickness. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I could only feel disgust for the face in front of the mirror. I looked down to my side and saw the box of the pregnancy test. I nervously picked it up and took it out.

Following the instructions carefully, I took the test to only find out...

"You're pregnant?!" A different voice was heard.

I quickly turned back to only find my mother watching me at the bathroom door.

"Mom! It's - it's not what it looks like...I-"

"You're pregnant!" She interrupted with a wide smile on her face. "I can't believe it!" She now said hugging me, "you always say that he doesn't love you or even like you! Hon if he didn't even like you he wouldn't have sex with you. I knew it! No man can resist my princess' charm!" She proudly smiled to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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