Chapter 2

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Marionette's POV

"Well, I'll make it as short as I can," Emilie groaned as she gave up.
I smiled excitedly like a puppy.

"To tell you the truth, I really loved my husband, I really did. I trusted my everything to him and then we got married. We had a wonderful son called Adrien, just like your ex-boyfriend," she smiled. "We were living a happy life, especially since my husband was really popular. I was really proud of being his wife. He was always cheerful and happy. He had a great sense of humour," she chuckled.

"But, if you loved him so much and you were so proud of him, why did you abandon them?" I asked now, even more curious.

"Well," her serious expression came back again, "after Adrien grew to be a cute little toddler, I found out that Adrien wasn't the only child my husband had. My husband two-timed me the whole time. He was seeing another woman that wasn't me and had a child with her that was the same age as Adrien. And the worst thing about this was that this woman was my best friend; she was an actress too. When I found out about this, my heart ached so much, I had to leave. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror for being an Agreste." I jumped at the mention of the name.

"W-What surname d-did you just mention?" I asked in case I heard wrong.

"Agreste, why?"

So Adrien's mother didn't die? He has a brother too?! And this whole time Adrien believed he was all alone...

"Marinette?" She snapped me back into reality.

"N-No reason but, why didn't you take your son with you?"

She let out a little sigh, "I wanted to take him with me, but I thought, if I took him, what would his life be like? I didn't plan on taking anything that belonged to the Agreste family apart from a few clothes. I didn't have food, money or a place to stay. I didn't want him to suffer with me. His life is probably really good right now. His father's really rich, so Adrien is probably really happy right now and I'm sure he has everything he needs."

"You're wrong," I said under my breath.

"What? How do you know?" Emilie asked, now starting to get a bit suspicious.

"I-I mean, money isn't everything you need in life. He could be living a very lonely life, even if he has all the cars, suits, ties, houses and women in the world! At least if he was with you, I know for sure that he would be happy, with someone who could give him true love and happiness," I said as I gave her a huge smile. She blinked in astonishment but then came back to her senses.

"What are you saying? Adrien shouldn't be lonely; he has a brother living with him."

"How are you so sure about it? What if your husband regretted what he did and wanted you back? What if he didn't see that other child ever again?" I questioned her further. But Emilie just smiled at me and stayed silent for a moment. She then finally stood up and looked me directly in the eyes.

"It's late now, Mari. You should go to bed"

"Fine," I groaned as I got up.

So Adrien has a stepmother and stepbrother, he isn't alone...
I would love to shout out to Emilie that his son misses her. I would like to shout out to Adrien that he's not alone. But deep inside, a part of me is saying 'let it be, he deserves it; he should be fine with his new family', But, where are they?


Chloe's POV
(are you surprised? Yes, Chloe is a main character in this book)

*Bell rings*

Who could it be? It's so early.
I opened the door whilst I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision.
When the door revealed the person behind it, I stumbled with surprise.

"D-Daniel?! Omg, I'm a huge fan. Can you please take a picture with me?" I pleaded. Daniel giggled a little at my reaction before speaking.

"Okay but, can I come in?" He said as he pointed inside.

I felt my face blush, but I quickly shrugged it off and let him in.

"H-How come you're here? Are you looking for my fiancé?" I questioned excitedly as I placed a glass of water on the table in front of him. But, instead of thanking me or saying anything else, he got up and came close to me.

"No. Actually, I came here to look for you," he leaned in closer to me whilst holding on gently to my chin.  My heart started running a marathon, it raced non stop.

Why am I feeling like this? The one who I'm supposed to love is Adrien, not him! Yes, I love him. I love Adrien and no one else, and I'm sure he loves me back; that's right.

But even so, I couldn't control my heart, I wish it could listen to my mind.

Daniel came closer until his mouth was so close to my ear that I could feel his breath.

"I missed you, Chloe"
My whole body shivered at the mention of my name.

"B-But you barely spoke to me when we were at school. I-In fact, you even pushed me away!" I managed to stumble.
"B-Besides, how did you even know I lived here?"

"Shhhh!" Daniel placed his finger on my lips, "don't ask so many questions; just go with the flow!" He said now moving on to the centre of my face, then he moved his gaze close to my lips and then, he closed his eyes slowly. My eyes instinctively closed slowly too.

I'm sorry Adrien. I love you. I ready do! But I can't let go of this charm. He is way too dangerously attractive. I promise it'll be just this one kiss. Just this one time. We can pretend it's a dream, but this kiss is so special and important! It's not only my first kiss, but it's the first time a boy made the first move! I don't really like him. I'm just excited that I'm finally going to have my first kiss with a top celebrity, that's it.

I melted into the kiss and enjoyed the moment.

Surprised? Ik, me too, lol. Ok, what do you think about Adrien's stepbrother and stepmother?
And, are you surprised about Chloe and Daniel? What do think is going happened next and what are your suggestions? Please comment and feedback to help me improve and encourage me.

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