Chapter 6

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Once they had broken off into two groups, Cassidy and Derrick settled into the Suburban with Bellinson and two other officers and headed out for the Carson crime scene. The apartment complex was forty miles north of the base and as Derrick eased the SUV onto I-95 he reached into his waist band and pulled his handcuffs out, sliding them into the cup holder to his right. Cassidy casually glanced down at the heavy metal cuffs and smiled to herself. Derrick kept his hand on the cuffs, his fingers sliding over the metal release again and again. Cassidy felt her insides start to twist with anticipation and suddenly wished that they were the only occupants of the large SUV.

As they exited onto I-66 from I-495, Bellinson leaned forward in his seat, breaking Cassidy’s concentration on Derrick. “Take this first exit, it’ll be the easiest.” He motioned for Derrick to exit to the right and then to make an immediate left. Cassidy relaxed in her seat, keeping a watchful eye on Derrick.

As they entered the subdivision, they were greeted with townhomes on the left, followed by single family homes on the right. “I thought she lived in an apartment.” Cassidy glanced backwards at Bellinson.

“Apartment, townhome. Same thing.” The man’s admission bothered Cassidy. “What difference does it make?” he asked, leaning back in his seat.

“An apartment means neighbors and lots of them,” Derrick interjected. “Townhomes are much more private.” Bellinson shook his head and stared out the window. Derrick pulled the SUV into the last driveway and threw the SUV into park. “It’s the last home in the row.” Derrick muttered, annoyed at the misinformation being given to him. Bellinson quickly exited the vehicle, followed by the other officers. As Derrick was about to exit, he heard a metal clink and looked towards Cassidy who now had possession of his hand cuffs. She winked at him and slid them into her waistband, next to her own set of cuffs.

Eve Carson’s townhome was not only the last in the row, but it backed right onto a heavily wooded area with a foot path that started right at her driveway. Her car had removed months ago by the crime scene techs. “Let’s start inside first.” Bellinson told them and led them to the front door. He produced a key and opened the home to them.

“These are really nice homes.” Cassidy muttered as she entered the three level home. 

“Average home here goes for around a million.” Bellinson told them. Cassidy gasped softly and continued into the expansive house. There was a light coasting of dust on the hardwood floors from months of inactivity. “Everything is as it was five months ago when we first got the call.”

“Parents haven’t been in here to clear things out?” Derrick asked, motioning towards the pictures that flanked the fireplace. Bellinson shook his head and motioned for them to head upstairs, leading them to the large master bedroom. The bedroom was occupied by a large four poster bed and flanked by two night side tables. The linens were still perfectly crisp and the pillows had been meticulously laid on the bed. To the left of the bed was a sitting area which contained a large armoire and a desk.

“The computer wasn’t touched?” The other officer with them asked, motioning towards the desk.

“No, the techs looked through it, but couldn’t find anything other than school work and social networking sites on it.” Bellinson replied. Derrick motioned for Cassidy to join him in the bathroom and led her towards the closet. She followed him and paused at the doorway, trying to keep some distance between them. Derrick donned a pair of latex gloves and began making his way through the closet, his fingers gliding over the clothes that were hanging up. He moved farther into the closet, opening drawers and shutting them. He paused as he came to one drawer that was still partially open.

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